Barnes Scholarship?

<p>Does anyone here have any experience with the Barnes Scholarship (i.e. what type of students typically get one)? Also, does CC award any merit aid not explicitly listed on the website? CC is probably my first-choice school right now but it's hard to justify paying $45,000 a year.</p>


<p>Here’ some info from the Colorado College website:</p>



<p>Here is the link to 2008-09 merit aid:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There was $4,779,789 in merit based aid for that year. Using the freshman percentages, approximately 9% of each class gets merit based aid. So, each freshman class has approximately 50 students getting merit money and merit aid averages about $25,000.00.</p>

<p>So, to answer your question–yes there seems to be sources of merit aid that aren’t on the list under a scholarship name like Barnes. From my S’s experience, if CC “really” wants you, they can and do make merit money available.</p>

<p>My D applied for the Barnes Scholarship 2 years ago when she applied to CC, but didn’t receive it. (She did receive a major merit scholarship at another school–which she is now attending and doing quite well.)</p>

<p>A girl from D’s high school received the Barnes in 2007. This girl turned down Harvard and Stanford (I think it was Stanford–I know she had a Harvard acceptance in hand) to attend CC. So yeah, the Barnes is quite competitive–and the applicants for it are extremely well qualified.</p>

<p>BTW, the Barnes scholarship is restricted to students majoring in chemistry or biochem–and changing your major to anything else during the 4 years disqualifies from receiving the scholarship monies. (The terms of the endowment are quite specific.)</p>

<p>However, CC does offer other kinds of financial assistance.</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you for the input. I suspected that at a school like CC merit scholarships would be very competitive but I figure it never hurts to apply.</p>

<p>WOWM: I was under the impression that there were two Barnes scholarship funds - one for chemistry and one for the other natural sciences. Has this changed? I plan to major in physics.</p>

<p>You’re right there <em>are</em> two…</p>

<p>[Barnes</a> Scholarship](<a href=“]Barnes”></p>

<p>One for chem/biochem and one for bio/geo/enviro/physics/psych/math/neuro</p>

<p>D applied for the bio one. (She’s a neuroscience and math double major elsewhere.)</p>

<p>D’s former lab partner (for AP Bio, AP phys C and three advanced math classes) is a sophomore physics major at CC—I could pass his name and email onto you if you want to talk w/ a current physics student about the dept and research opportunities.</p>

<p>Sure that would be awesome.</p>

<p>I sent you a PM with his contact info. Good luck!</p>

<p>I was wondering what type of students usually get the Barnes scholarship as well. Does anyone know what the scholarship committe is looking for? I have good test scores and a high gpa and many extra curriculars, but I haven’t been a part of any scientific research or anything like that…do I still have a chance at it?</p>

<p>qazwsx13 - My D applied for the Barnes in Natural Sciences. She put a lot of time and effort into the “letter” to the committee, but who knows if she has what they’re looking for. Did you also apply for the Barnes? It’s my understanding that they may only be giving out 1 Barnes Scholarship in Natural Sciences this year, but still 2 Barnes Scholarships in Chemistry.</p>

<p>I applied in Natural Sciences as well. Like qazwsx13, I have good grades and test scores but not sure what else they might be looking for. Oh well, I guess we’re all in the same boat. It’s a shame that they might be only offering one scholarship this year. Does anyone know when/if the Barnes Committee conducts interviews? When do they make the final decisions?</p>

<p>When my D went through the process, there were no interviews for the Barnes and the winners (as well the unsuccessful applicants) were notified in early April.</p>

<p>yes, I also applied for the scholarship, but I’m guessing the competition for this scholarship is extremely tough, so I’m not very optimistic about my chances of recieving the scholarship…</p>