Barrons Math 2

<p>Ive taken about 6 practice tests in the Barron's Math 2 book, and Im getting scores ranging from 670-690. Now, I know that Barron's books are notorious for being harder than the actual exam, but how much so? </p>

<p>Essentially, I end up skipping roughly the last 8/9 questions of each practice test, while missing like one or two questions at most. This is beginning to worry me, seeing as the test date is in a few days. </p>

<p>Also, for those who used Barron's and scored well (i.e. 770+), how many q's did you end up skipping on the practice tests? What about on the actual exam?</p>

<p>Take a princeton review practice test and compare your score. My guess would be high 700’s.</p>