<p>So it's the night before the AP English Lang exam and I'm about to have a mental breakdown. </p>
<p>I'm a good writer, or at least I think I am. My AP English Lang teacher usually gives my essays 9's, but I can't be sure how accurate that is since she's lenient. We've done some multiple choice practice in class, but I decided to do a practice exam out of the Barron's book. I thought I did well--I annotated, finished on time, answered all the questions...</p>
<p>And then I only got 29/55 right. </p>
<p>I'm so upset!! I really want a 5 on this exam, but now I'm scared that it won't happen because I'll blow my multiple choice! Is this like Barron's typical tests, way harder than the actual exam?? I hope so. </p>
<p>So yeah, does it feel hot in here to anyone else?</p>
<p>I can’t say for SURE for Lang since I don’t own the book myself, but Barron’s is GENERALLY harder than the actual test.</p>
<p>Frankly, I would not depend on 3rd party practice tests in order to gauge my score as my first option. You should base your predicted MC percentage on an actual released AP Lang MC test, or from the sample MC given in the course description posted on the collegeboard homepage for Lang.</p>
<p>If you’re as strong of an essay writer as you say you are, you should have no problem acing the exam. 50% of the exam weight is on the MC, and 50% is on your essays. Do well enough on both and you’ll easily breeze through the exam.</p>
<p>Don’t worry. Barron’s tests are ALWAYS harder than any test, whether an AP or SAT/ACT one. If you got a 29 on the Barron’s, chances are you will be getting a higher score on the exam tomorrow.
Good Luck!
I will be taking the exam tomorrow. I am re-taking it because i HATED my score last year. Let’s hope for the best.</p>
<p>Oh thank God, so I wasn’t the only one who did horrible on the Barron’s test. I got 29/55 on my MC too, and I was a little shocked because I got 45/55 on taking the 2007 AP exam. </p>
<p>So yeah, you’re not the only one kind of freaking out.
Good-luck tomorrow!</p>
<p>You guys have no idea how much better this makes me feel! 45/55?? I feel relieved!! I’m hoping for the best, and I knew that I can do this. Seriously, thank you!</p>
<p>Also it no longer feels hot in here, haha.</p>
<p>Best of luck to everyone. We can do this, so let’s blow that exam out of the WATER tomorrow!</p>
<p>I’ve been in the same boat! In class we would do practice MC sections and I’d usually miss a maximum of 1 or 2 questions per passage, but then in the Barron’s book I’d miss 5-6 or more for each passage
But yeah, like everyone else said, the Barron’s tests are harder so I’m sure you’ll do great today.</p>
<p>Good luck everyone!! :)</p>
<p>haha yah… that’s the score I usually get too ;~;… around 20’s…</p>
<p>@Jordan134… You can retake the test? I kinda want to do that… I ran out of time ; ~ ;,…</p>