Barry Honors vs FIU Honors vs UM

<p>I have a friend who was not accepted to UM and is trying to get into the Miami-Dade Honors College. Unfortunately, he will not be offered admission until he brings his GPA up, which is critical at this final stage in the game. He has been accepted to FIU Honors and Barry Honors as well. Barry University, from what I have read on Students Review, is a dump. However, his mom gave him terrible advice by saying that Barry is way better than FIU and so on. She is essentially forcing him to go to Barry. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, the FIU CC boards are dead and one does not exist for Barry. How well does Barry stack up against FIU, if at all, and against UM, where I am going, just for kicks?</p>

<p>FIU is slightly better than Barry. For state schools in Florida, it goes like this :</p>


<p>So as you can see, FIU is a notch below USF.</p>

<p>*Und Universit</p>

<p>UCF is not equal of FSU. That's nonsense.</p>

<p>UF has some areas better than FSU, not all. Ditto Miami - especially not graduate programs.</p>


<p>Obviously your biased to Florida State University! You need to come out of your shell and realize that FSU does not compare to UF at all. Just take a look at the students who get into UF and FSU. And then take a look at the campuses and academics. UF is a much much better school and everyone knows they would much rather be GATORS then NOLES. And for your information, FSU is easier/equal to UCF. FSU takes mediocre students for ED. I know kids with B and lower averages with low SAT scores who got into FSU. UF you need a solid A average and 1350+ SATs (at least) and that does not even guarantee you admission. So get it thru your thick skull that UCF=FSU. And many students choose UCF over FSU b/c of its location and the safeness factor, since Tallahassee is one of the worse cities for crime in Florida. </p>

Nothing beats being a CANE.</p>

<p>Fascinating blend of trash talk and fiction. Save it for the football game. ;)</p>

<p>Denial is not just a river in Africa. Get over yourself and realize your children are going to a school that is equal to UCF, whether you like it or not, it's the truth. I believe you under minded me first when you said "That's nonsense". I know the types of students who go to UCF and FSU (Top 1/4-2/4 of the current class) who do not take the most intense schedules, display sense of being well-rounded and for the most part, have grade point averages of 3.0-3.5 and this is with no Advance Placement or maybe one or two. Now of course there exceptions to the rule. Maybe someone has an obsession with FSU and chooses it over UF, but I know that most instate students first choice for public university is UF and UM is right next to it even though it's private, they give some pretty nice scholarships to students who have shown excellence in their academics (1300 SAT, Top 10% of the class).</p>

<p>Why? Do you want us to embarrass you on the field again. Especially with our new team! :P</p>

<p>There are two flagship public universities in Florida. UF is currently in first place with Florida State currently in the number two slot, if you believe the US News system of ratings. UCF is not in the first tier. Personally, I think those ratings have glossed the correct nature of such large universities, as such are not clones of each other. FSU is more a liberal arts university while UF is an ag school. </p>

<p>Historically, the lead between FSU and UF has changed hands over time. FSU has the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, while UF has Beta, for example. Miami has Delta and UCF does not have a PBK chapter. See: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>FSU has more nationally ranked programs than UCF and U Miami. With either latter university its not even close. Miami has some good programs, however, especially their med program. See: FSU</a> Highlights</p>

<p>As for football season...well, they'll play in the fall. Hopefully better than last year, when both teams weren't so great. ;)</p>


<p>All I wanted to know was how Barry stacked up against FIU, and how FIU stacked up against UM!!! Yes UF is a better school than FSU, yes UCF is slightly better than FSU in many areas, and in others, no. WHO CARES???</p>

<p>Save this Semenoles vs. Gaytors crap for their respective forums.</p>

<p>"1. UF

<p>There is NO way that list is correct. It's more like</p>


<p>To put FGCU above established schools like FAU and FIU is absolute insanity.</p>

<p>FSU on par with UM? HA!</p>

<p>I suspect UM is equal or better than UF, especially with all of the budget cuts that are plaguing Florida's public universities. FSU is definitely below UM.</p>

<p>I heard that FIU just nixed their Industrial and Systems Engineering programs, and many others as well, due to a lack of money. Just to point out.</p>

<p>UM is better than UF. That being said, I'll answer the OP ... lol</p>

<p>I would probably go with FIU if he plans to stay in Miami.. its is rising and growing and getting better definitely. The business program at FIU is getting better. Obviously they are not on par with UM... but they have a good name and I don't think your friend would have a problem finding a job with a degree from FIU, especially in Miami. Is your friend hispanic? FIU demographics look about the same as Miami -Dade.</p>

<p>I'd take FSU over UCF any day.. I'm quite surprised to see people compare the two on an equal level.</p>

<p>He is hispanic. However, his mother is adamant on Barry being waaaaay better than FIU, how FIU is a dump, etc. (He's going to be a pre-med)</p>

<p>He is a suck up and believes everything she says even though she knows squat about higher education. I am trying to prove him otherwise.</p>

<p>From what I have read, Barry literally is a dump. According to one review on Students Review, "people **** in the showers" and couple of years ago a football player went into a girl's dorm and took a "dump" on top of her laundry basket full of clothes. It's full of drugs and sex and there are cliques just like in high school. On top of all that, it costs as much as UM to attend.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think its crazy to choose Barry over FIU, although FIU is more for business, I still think i'd choose it. The only problem with FIU is it is more of a commuter school with not so much campus related things to do.. but i'm sure there are still things to do!</p>

<p>Honey these things happen IN ALL COLLEGES!
Specially the BIG PUBLIC ONES where its harder to get caught in smaller private colleges/universities!</p>

<p>How bout you check this out first and then tell me they are wrong</p>

<p>National</a> Universities Rankings - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report</p>

<p>who comes first barry or FIU?</p>

<p>I think they know a little better than you considering they rank the school with other things other than sex drugs or alcohol....</p>

<p>This thread is from May, 2008.</p>

<p>This is the official list</p>


<p>First off, UF is a joke.
Student A:
1320 SAT
Top 5%
Magnet Engineering Program
Major: Engineering.</p>

<p>Did not get in.</p>

<p>Student B:
GPA is around half of student A
SAT score: Yet to be taken
Major: Engineering</p>

<p>…got in.</p>

<p>And UCF is one of the best schools for aeronautical engineering.</p>

<p>To be real with you, After UF, UM, FSU, and MAYBE UCF all the rest of the schools are kinda the same in ranking either tier 3 and maybe 4. So at the end of the day you just have to select the school with the best program, you can not really judge just the school as a whole. FIU and Barry both have programs that are very good, and some that are really really bad. If you want a more intimate education where your professors know you by name and the campus is more diverse than Barry is your school, if you like a larger school with a football team, and large lecture halls, and nice dorms then FIU is your school. I know this thread is prob old, but I hope this still can help. Both schools are not that far apart in academic quality so its really about taste</p>

<p>Click this link it shows which schools have the most difficult grading systems. FIU is obviously superior to UF and FSU because they have no grade inflation.
[Grade</a> Inflation: Colleges With the Easiest and Hardest Grades - CBS News](<a href=“]Grade”></p>