Baruch Dean's Scholar

Hey! sorry for the late reply. I really like dean’s scholars at baruch and it’s awesome to be going to school for free. But, Baruch really isn’t the place for engineering. You might want to consider doing deans scholars for a year or two , getting your general requirements done for free (like english, history, etc. look up what courses will transfer best to cony) then transfer to ccny to do your engineering major.
My boyfriend actually goes to NYU Tandon (previously called nyu polytech) lol and i’ve slept over at his dorm and seen the campus, it’s alright but it’s in Brooklyn and doesn’t seem worth the money at all.
Good luck with wherever you decide/decided to go!

also you might find that you really don’t want to do engineering after all. I came to baruch not intending to do business , thinking id major in a liberal artsy type thing in Weissman, but have found that i actually really enjoy business. You may find the same.