Baruch Out of State Admissions?

<p>After plenty of research I have decided to come to the forums. I am an out of state student (Illinois) and am considering applying to Baruch. I have family and friends who attend (live in NYC) but from what I heard acceptance out of state is almost impossible. If anyone has any information on that it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>


<p>Since OOS pay more money, most public universities are taking more out of state students. Baruch, to my knowledge, is no exception. The best thing you can do is to call admission and ask them.</p>

<p>It is to my knowledge that they like out of state students. I’m an out of state student who applied too and I was hoping it would help me if anything, since it adds diversity and stuff! But I don’t have any official stats.</p>

<p>I emailed an adcom a while ago with this question, he told me that CUNY does not give priority to instate applicants vs out of state.</p>

<p>Whether this means geographic location has no affect or that they actually really like OOS students but don’t want to sound greedy for them is up to anyone’s interpretation.</p>

<p>I am OOS from GA and I was just accepted.</p>