Bass rental close to Tanglewood

Anyone know how camp attendees at Tanglewood rent the basses if bringing their own is impossible?

Why not contact Tanglewood and ask? I know this comes up various other places and know individuals who have been given suggestions and help from the festivals in quesition.

We did. There is only one place, in case that does not come through, checking for alternative options.

By the way update on the bass rental. Mr. Norhmann walker close to Boston rents out his basses/other string instruments routinely to the BUTI summer students at very decent reasonable rates. Thanks to Covid, BUTI got cancelled. Fortunately, Interlochen opened online camp. Interlochen did a fantastic job of putting it together in spite of the last minute. My kid not only had the opportunity to learn from the best teachers, had a great time.

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Could you please share the info you found for rentals for BUTI students? We’re trying to navigate getting a bass from FL to Tanglewood. Besides the very high cost of flight cases, there seems to be a shortage of them.

Hi BUTI seem to have an arrangement with

but I would email BUTI first and check what other options they have (apols if you have already)

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Thank you! Will reach out to Johnson. Waiting for a reply from BUTI staff.