Is anyone familiar with the Baylor Engineering department/programs? How are the facilities available to engineering students?
I am an engineering major at Baylor. There is an engineering computer lab with its own printing credits. There are several cool labs with things like wind tunnels. There is an Engineering-Computer Science residential college that has its own lab with plastic ovens, saws, and a 3D printer. I’d say the facilities are pretty nice, but not the best out of all the places I visited. However, one thing a professor told me when I was a high schooler touring Baylor Engineering was that it doesn’t matter how cool a school’s facilities are as long as it is a good learning program. Freshmen get to do a lot of hands-on projects in their intro courses, and now they learn how to use the CAD programs that upper-division students use. Juniors and seniors each have a semester-long design challenge.
@IcyFish Thanks for the info. Have your engineering classes been taught by professors or grad students? Are the professors accessible? Basically are you seeing the “smaller college benefits” versus the large engineering programs at the Texas public schools?
My classes have all been taught by professors. Most of them have spent time in industry. They have all been pretty accessible. The nice thing about the engineering dept is that all the professors I’ve had classes with have had open office hours. This means they’ve been in office from 9 to 5 or so each day, meaning you can talk to them whenever they don’t have a class. All the professors have been super welcoming and wanting to get to know students personally. One of my professors has even organized optional class camping trips.