Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I think this is very strange. Did you show interest? Write the essays? I can’t imagine you wouldn’t be accepted.


My son is feeling the same way and so is our school.
4.0 UW, 4.57 W
35 ACT one attempt
Founder of MCAT club
Interned with skin cancer doctor
Worked with Red Sox for a home run derby raised Money for their cancer research
Other Cancer Research from 7-11th grade
Worked in a Marine Lab over Summer
also a bunch of honor societies.
Worried about other schools now

Hmmm. Don’t know your schools but your son is going to be fine. Whether it’s Umass or Harvard. Go getters like that succeed no matter what.

Baylor an obvious. I know who’s want more. Lots of $$ out there for a student like this.

I would not be worried at all . Occasionally some schools yield-protect, meaning that they don’t offer the big scholarships, or they defer admission or even reject kids who are obviously over-qualified because they assume they will go elsewhere and want to protect that yield rate. I didn’t think that was something Baylor does. There do seem to be a few kids from the last few years (looking at old threads) who were late to be admitted with very high stats, so hopefully, that’s all that’s happening.

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I’m right there with you. My D with similar stats; SAT in 1500’s, no from B2 medical, no invite for I2E or distinguished scholars. I find it very puzzling when Baylor is one of our top choices. Did all of the optional items on application and attended two online events. D has written to AO, we’ll see what the response is.

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Very odd I am going to see as well just curious what the missing link is

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Keep us posted on the AO response. My D intends to send a similar email this week.

My oldest daughter who graduated high school in 2020 had mentioned at that time that some of her friends had been offered full paid “fly in’s” to visit top notch universities across the country, not Baylor. I’m assuming Baylor doesn’t do that since I haven’t heard anyone mention this here or on previous threads. Neither of my daughters applied to out of state universities, so I do not know personally.

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I believe the only scholarships that you cannot receive together is I2E and Distinguished. You can only get one. As far as I know there is no stipulation on other scholarships. If anyone has different information, please correct me.

I can’t imagine why any of your students haven’t been admitted. My daughter has strong stats but not off the charts (1480 SAT, National Merit Commended, etc) and she is relatively well-rounded as a four-year varsity violinist and athlete along with strong math extracurriculars and job experience. She’s majoring in a math field, however, and did the tours, admissions presentations and had a great one-on-one meeting with the Chair of that dept.

It may have to do with the majors as Baylor is known for their science/medical studies, etc. or yield protection like others have mentioned. Good luck to your students… with those stats, they will be successful anywhere.

In another reply, someone wrote that one could receive both I2E and B2B invites. Our student received a B2BLaw invite but not DS or I2E. Odd - how could one receive a B2BLaw invite but not DS at a minimum? Regardless, thankful for any aid our student may receive.

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Same here, my son received b2b medicine , but not I2E.


AO responded and simply confirmed that she didn’t get I2E invite, nothing else.

Sounds like a few of us are in the same position. My DS wasn’t selected to compete for I2E, DS, or Getterman (knew that was a long shot, but hoped; Baylor was only a possibility for us if given substantial aid). He applied in September and actually hasn’t even been notified about admission, either. He was Natl. Merit Commended, ACT 34, had good extracurriculars & work experience, & attended (mostly online) several demonstrated interest events. I was pretty disappointed for him yesterday. He’s pretty chill about it all, though, so that’s good.

But truly, big congratulations to all those who were selected to move forward! Best wishes to all.

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My D’s admission finally came through last night. She applied in September!


My son’s admission came through last night as well! He applied in October for Computer Science. We are OOS.


My daughter was accepted to Baylor at the end of October. We found out Monday she was invited it I2E. She made a 32 on ACT , 3.9 unweighted GPA and has lots of extracurricular activities and leadership roles. I do feel one of the main reasons she was accepted is because Baylor is a “show interest”school. When our local Admission counselor from Baylor attended her high school as a junior and senior we set up an appointment for our whole family to meet with him. My daughter stayed in contact with him throughout the year. We also toured the school and set up an appointment to meet with a professor in a department. She was also told to follow as many Baylor instagram and facebook pages to show interest in the school. On the Baylor application page it list every event we attended or watched via zoom. Which tells me they really look at expressed interest and want students who truly want to be there and not just those applying to lots of schools on common app. They have many students who apply with the same grades and ACT scores, but I feel this is what sets some of the students apart. Good luck to everyone!


Anyone else kid get cookies in the mail from Baylor


No! :smiling_face_with_tear: And this has definitely been a day that we could use some cookies.

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Yes, we did.