BBA Direct Admit Program

<p>Hey CC, I was recently admitted into the BBA Direct Admit Program at Wisconsin and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me more about the program and the benefits of pursuing it at Madison. Also, if you have any experiences within the Business School could you let me know if the school has good career services, what classes are like (how the teachers are and what class sizes are), and if the wisconsin school of business name is well-known enough to have major companies recruit there from either the Midwest or beyond. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hey! I actually just applied there, and had an opportunity to visit and meet with a business ambassador. I heard the freshman class size is going to start out around 60 people (I mean the class of entering freshmen direct admits). Class sizes range from heavy to small, but there are always student teacher meetings and office hours, and the staff is extremely helpful. As a freshman direct admit student, you might be allowed to take special courses which will be awesome! It’s kind of elitist in a way–I like that personally. Of course, this is all from what I’ve heard and researched. By senior year, class size is about 20 apparently.</p>

<p>As for whether the name is known well enough, the history of the name is actually interesting: alumni pooled together a ton of money to coin the name so that no other Wisconsin school can use the name. I think, more than just being a cool story, it shows that the alumni from school are really invested in aiding students and recruiting them. </p>

<p>Again this is all what I’ve heard, so let’s see if someone from the school actually replies!</p>

<p>On a side note, I’m a senior who has just applied to the direct admit program. I was wondering if you could give me some insight into your stats so I can see how I look compared to other students.</p>

<p>My GPA: 3.8 (weighted 4.1)
SAT: 1450 (math + CR) and 2150 all-over
Class Rank: N/A (my school doesn’t do this)</p>

<p>Also, I’m an out-of-state student! </p>

<p>I hope my information helped…</p>

<p>Oh, also, I was wondering how soon you heard back from the school? Sorry for all the questions! I’ve been trying to find answers online, but haven’t gotten any.</p>

<p>Hey thanks for the information! I had very similar stats with a 3.8 GPA and a 33 ACT and got in with those, so I think academically you are deserving of the direct admit program. I heard back march 20th but I applied literally two days after I got the email telling me about the program. It’s nice to hear from a fellow UW direct admit candidate, there really isnt a ton of information of the UW website. Wish you the best of luck for getting in!</p>

<p>The have an excellent annual biz placement report on the website. About 500 companies recruit there–many majors.</p>

<p>Hey! Thanks for the info! Maybe we’ll end up going there together haha (if I make it in!!!). If you receive any info from a BBA ambassador, you should reply and ask questions because they are REALLY helpful. That’s how I got all of my information. Good luck picking schools. I’m sure you have a lot to choose from haha</p>