BBA Direct Admit Program

<p>Hi everyone! I received an invitation a few weeks ago to apply for the Wisconsin BBA Direct Admit program. I had a few questions.</p>

<p>-Does anyone know how many of these invitations were sent out? It says they will select 100-120 I believe.
-If we are selected, it says there may be scholarship money available. Can anyone speak to this that has previously been through the program?</p>


<p>Hello, I am also a senior in high school. I am accepted into UW and I am majoring in Actuarial Science (BBA) but unfortunately I didn’t receive a Direct Admit application yet :frowning: Anyways, from what I have heard I believe first of all that there is about 200-300 of these applications sent out, do not quote me on that though at all. It shouldn’t really matter though how many people get it, apply for it because it is a great opportunity. If I had the application I would be filling it out in a heartbeat. For scholarships, applying and being chosen as a direct admit allows you the ability to apply for business school scholarships, so basically it just widens the realm of scholarships you are eligible to receive. I am pretty sure there isn’t like a “guaranteed” scholarship for being directly admitted or anything like that. Because I am extremely anxious, might I ask you what your stats are for receiving the application? I have a 32 ACT and a 3.96 GPA and I am really disappointed that I didn’t get the application and I am hoping I will. Thanks and I hope my answers helped. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if this helps but i’m sure you’re interested, I just found out that I was admitted to the Direct Admit BBA program!!! I’m pretty the first wave of acceptances was sent out today ( December 16th)</p>

<p>Thanks @wisconsin13! I was invited a few weeks after I was admitted to Wisconsin, so maybe it’s still coming! As far as stats go, I have a 35 ACT and a 4.0 GPA.</p>

<p>@badger121212 congratulations!! How exciting! Do you mind me asking when you sent in your application? I have yet to do so, but that seems like a pretty fast turnover!</p>

<p>Congratulations! </p>

<p>i submitted uw application sept 15; Accepted on october 31; was invited to do the Direct Admit application on nov 19; submitted Direct Admit application on december 3 @wiscogurl</p>

<p>Program growing but still an honor and very selective. I think they plan to enroll around 50 per year so maybe they will admit 100+ as yield will not be close to 100% due to high stats of the students.</p>

<p>Thanks @badger121212 and @barrons!</p>