BC and USC for ibanks

<p>How's Carroll and Marshall undergraduate for ibanking? are they a target for ibanks?</p>

<p>I know both of them have regional advantages, and if I want to work on one coast I wouldn't pick the one on the other. But I'm talking about jobs in general. Which one has more opportunities in ibanks? doesn't matter where the job is.</p>

<p>There's definitely more ibanks on the east coast, especially with Wall Street, but with Stern, Ross, and all the ivies competing, is Carroll in disadvantage? On the contrast, USC is famous for alumni connections in CA, so is it possible that USC actually gets more attention from ibanks?</p>

<p>BC is a non-target and USC is a semi-target. Only the top ten universities are really targets. I-banks don’t even really like Brown and Cornell, for this reason.</p>

<p>But there are ibanks doing on-campus recruiting at BC! and the number of people the top ten ibanks hiredis something like thirty? I read the Carroll profile at businessweek.</p>

<p>That’s simply not true. BC might not be as big a target as the top 10 or so but Goldman and others recruit on campus.</p>

<p>ibanks recruit at more than ten universities. For example they recruit at Ga Tech (Engineers usually) but most ppl here are too narrowminded to research it themselves, so they just say that only Wharton and Harvard go into ibanking.</p>