BC vs Northeastern Nursing?

Hi - My daughter has been accepted to both BC and Northeastern for Nursing! Northeastern gave her a great financial aid pckage. Assuming BC offers something similar (it will be out on Monday) which school should she choose?! She keeps flip flopping!! Loves the idea of co-op at Northeastern but also interested in the 5 yr RN/NP at BC… help us weigh her amazing options please…

As of a few years ago when my son looked at it, it was very tough to use AP credits at Boston College. Also, with any religious college, take a look at the required religion classes. Some people would prefer the flexibility to take other electives than to be required to take religion classes. The average college degree involves 40 classes, and for nursing, probably 30 of those are required classes. If you add another 2 or 3 religion classes, it really shrinks your remaining electives.

We had looked at both Northeastern and BC for nursing. My DS decided not to apply to BC after touring both due to the location and required electives. Northeastern was more attractive to him because it was right in the city and he preferred the vibe there. I thought the co-ops were great, but nursing majors require clinical experience anyway so it was a nice to have, but not a must when we were deciding.