I got accepted to both boston college and university of michigan. I am instate at u of m and bc offered me lots of aid, enough to make them the same cost. I need some opinions of where to go, for a chemistry/econ. double major. I realize u of m is basically strong in everything and that its a great opportunity but i feel the need to get out of state and really like bcs atmosphere. not that uofm doesnt have a great atmosphere but that i feel like i dont want to be there, too close to home, could just be a phase? anyway i feel like i will have a great time at either school but feel like i could be at a disadvantage coming out of bc in comparison to um, possible med school, likely grad school. will the marketability of identical student be different at bc compared to um? i feel like i can do well at both of them. im a little concerned about research at bc but have talked to some faculty and it seems like its not hard to come by. im rambling but any advice any1 can give is invaluable
help me decide!!!</p>
<p>bumpidty bump bump, what to do?</p>
<p>i would say umich because if you got into ross, GO!!! but i'm a huge believer in going out of state.. and i LOVE boston.. i think it has a better feel than umich.. i toured BC and BU on the same day.. both are mushing in my head at the moment and i forgot which the better on is...</p>
<p>k thanks, i too think there is something to be sad for going out of state, any1 else?</p>
toured BC and BU on the same day.. both are mushing in my head at the moment and i forgot which the better on is...
<p>lori, i can pretty much guarantee you bc is the better one (in comparison to bu). bu's campus is awful.</p>
<p>I think these schools are comparable enough to justify picking with your gut. It will be an adventure to move across the country and start something completely new. I say go for it.</p>
<p>hey thanks, thats what i thought. anyone else have something to add? thanks for all input</p>
<p>My only concern with going to a place like BC is it's kind of a rich kid's school and if you are getting lots of aid I'd assume your family is more middle class. It can be a little tough when your friends are planning trips to the Islands over break and you can't go with. If that won't bother you it's a good school probably similar to UM undergrad.</p>
<p>am i stupid to think i might have less opportunities at bc than um?</p>
<p>Allegedly, BC has a superb alumni network. I cannot speak knowledgeably about UM, but BC's chemistry program is supposedly tough and their economics program is highly regarded, as well.</p>
<p>In the interest of disclosure, I will likely be attending BC [CSoM HP], so take that for what you will.</p>
<p>I would recommend you go to Michigan. Ann Arbor/UM are completely different from the rest of the state. The city of Ann Arbor has a large out-of-state/international community of professors and professionals. And given its size and diverse student body, you would be exposed to a large and diverse group of students. In terms of departments, Michigan's Chemistry and Econ departments are excellent and noted for having a strong undergraduate focus. In terms of career/graduate school opportunities, both schools are great, but in terms of on-campus academics, I give the edge to Michigan.</p>
<p>I'd say Umich too. Not only does it have really good academics, you'll get out of it with significantly less debt. :] For going out of state, you can always do a study abroad program or try another school for grad.</p>
<p>Honest opinion: You'll get a better education at UMich. Even though BC and UMich are sometimes considered to be equals (i.e. Catholic Ivy and Public Ivy), UMich is well known for its academic strength and has a number of factors making it better than BC.
(not in order of significance)
1. UMich endowment is $5,566,433,000 > BC endowment of $1,520,296,326
2. UMich Ross #5 B-school vs. BC #14 business school
3. UMich price <<<<<< BC price
4. BC falls 17 places BELOW UMich in a preference ranking of US colleges and universities conducted in 2005 by the Kennedy School of Government (at Harvard University). Source: SSRN-A</a> Revealed Preference Ranking of U.S. Colleges and Universities by Christopher Avery, Mark Glickman, Caroline Hoxby, Andrew Metrick
That tells us what students themselves think. Who better to decide?</p>
<p>thanks everyone, as to frutiaspice ill actually get out of bc with less debt, 22k vs. 28k in loans at uofm. im gonna try and call the aid depo at uofm and see if i can get a little better aid but i doubt it. if i could make up like 3-4k it would be worth it to me</p>
<p>Hey! I'm kinda in the same spot....I was choosing between UNC Chapel HIll, U of M honors program, Boston College, Tufts, and Notre Dame. Between UNC and U of M, I thought I'd like U of M better (more out of state kids, I love to ski, Ann Arbor was great), and out of Tufts and BC, though Tufts is ranked higher, I really liked BC's campus better, and it was closer to the city, and for like the past three weeks it has been between BC, ND, and U of M.........</p>
<p>I think if I were in-state at U of M, I might go to bc if I were you.....new experiences and all (but it really was AWESOME when I visited and there are a TON of people, so maybe it'd be super easy to make new friends?)</p>
<p>Any advice for an IL pre-med student? I mean I'm christian, but Nd is in south bend, INDIANA........I really wanted to get out of the midwest....</p>
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>I would go with Michigan.</p>
<p>anyone else, sorry to keep it on but im a really torn and need some more perspectives if u dont mind,
<p>I am a BC alum, so I am biased, but I can honestly say that the individual attention that you will get from professors at BC will lead to incredibly job and internship opportunities. For the student from the midwest- get out for college. If you want to you can go back when you graduate.</p>
<p>thanks, im kind of leaning that way at this point for the new experiences thing</p>
<p>"That tells us what students themselves think. Who better to decide?"</p>
<p>Yes 17-18 year old kids without much of a clue and who are mostly looking at prestige and name should be the deciding factor.</p>