<p>I think I'm borderline for admission, so if one is easier to get into than the other I'd probably do that.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what A-level grades are normally required for the BCom and the faculty of arts? I have ABB, and can include references predicting me higher grades for retakes.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if my chances are good (they only take academics into account I'm told) ?</p>
<p>Are my chances likely to be better for one faculty moreso than the other?</p>
<p>on the application you can apply for 2 majors…
Enter whichever you’d prefer first but if they don’t accept you, then they’ll consider your second choice, too.
And from what i’ve heard it’s pretty easy to switch once you’re in.</p>
<p>thanks for replying. I’ve put down a second choice, so let’s see what happens.</p>
<p>Do you have any idea about grades? I’m really keen to find out, because its by far my first choice university and I’m just not sure if my grades are quite enough?</p>
<p>As far as what I’ve heard, canadian schools says they’re “super competitive” but not at all compared to US schools, so I’m sure you’ll be fine. But you never know…I’m going the same crisis :(</p>
<p>Hey I applied to Bcom and Arts programs. I got AAAB for my AS Levels and am predicted AAA for A2/Alevel. Good luck to you!
Does anyone know when GCE A level students will hear back? Also, does Mcgill give Unconditional Offers or Conditional ones like British Universities?</p>
<p>I’d say the Arts is the easiest to get into. I just heard that McGill is giving their BCom school a facelift and they are raising the entry requirements. I was told that although you should at least have a 3.7 GPA to apply the program, the students who are being accepted have 3.8, 3.9.</p>
<p>Perhaps there is someone else here who knows more than I do on what is happening with the BCom program.</p>
<p>^That sucks.
Another school which I always wanted to go to also had a major face lift and entrance requirements spiraled upwards almost out of my reach =|, hope the same doesn’t happen with McGill’s faculty of Management.</p>
<p>As MoopyTheCat correctly identified, McGill’s BCom program is currently going through a bit of an upgrade so it’s getting harder to get in, but it’s still definitely not one of the most prestigious or competitive programs. generally, i would say arts would be easier to get into except something to consider is that far more students apply to arts so if those sstudents have better grades than you, essentially they will get the spots first. </p>
<p>so as advice to anybody, I would take emil755’s adivce and just put down your first and second faculty choice.</p>