BC's core of 15 classes: to what extent can the courseload be reduced by double-dipping?

Assuming you enter without any AP credits, can the core load of 15 classes be reduced through double-dipping (a single class counting for two requirements)?

double-dipping for Core? In general, no.

A Core course could count towards a major, however.

Honestly. These are some of the best classes and part of a great education. It matters in life. Waste to try and maneuver out of them.

Hi, 2018 grad here. There are courses that can fulfill 2 core requirements, but they are usually 6-credits instead of 3. So it’s not like you’re taking less credits to get the same amount of core requirements done. However, it will probably mean that you take 4 classes in the semester instead of 5 (with the expected workload of 5 classes).

Check out these:

Perspectives program: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/mcas/departments/philosophy/undergraduate/perspectives-program/perspectives1.html

Enduring Questions courses: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/mcas/undergraduate/core-curriculum/core-renewal/complex-problems-enduring-questions-courses.html

Honestly, the core classes can be pretty cool anyways. https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/mcas/undergraduate/core-curriculum/core-requirements.html

Another way to knock out a Core is through a June overseas program. BC’s International Programs office is your source for these details: https://www.bc.edu/offices/international/progsummer-new.html
BC faculty teach these classes. I have heard excellent reviews of these mini semesters.