BDCP,NROTC programs and schools...

<p>hi, i just learned about the BDCP program, a NAVY program that i know a handful of information about. I was wondering if the BDCP program is offered for any school? or if it isnt, what schools do you know that has BDCP, hopefully in New York? I know that NROTC program is only offered at SUNY Maritime, which im currently in, and Fordham U, but i plan to transfer out to another college, probably in New York, because Maritime does not have the majors I want, which is accounting. I really want to join the NROTC program but it is only offered in these 2 schools which I am not particularly interested in, that is why im trying to learn about BDCP program which is somewhat similar to NROTC in that it offers a scholarship and brings you into the NAVY. What other schools in New York and other states have NROTC program. I might be interested in that as well.</p>