Be careful of required new employee on-the-job training that requires repayment if leaving the job too soon

It is apparently fairly common for nursing employers to require new employee on-the-job training and attach a several thousand dollar value to it that must be repaid if the employee leaves the job before a specified time on the job. The first example in the following page is for a $2,000 repayment if the nurse leaves the job before two years.

Long time nurse here. Healthcare is not the only employer who may require paying back of a sign on bonus if contract is broken.

Thus, I agree that if a place is offering a huge sign on bonus or greater than 1 year work requirement that is usually a big red flag.

This has been common for years. My wife is a longtime CRNA. She no longer takes these types of bonuses. She had to payback a bonus many years ago. Good lesson. They very rarely benefit the worker in the medium to long-term. Too limiting.

Most people spend the bonus immediately. She would bank it until the term was finished.

Companies used to do this with training and education. Especially in IT. I haven’t encountered this in years. Getting companies to pay for training has been like pulling teeth since the bust.

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