Be honest with me here guys...

<p>Is a 2260 for the SAT on the low end of applicants to Princeton? I took the test once, and swore to myself I would never take that retarded thing again. I was confident that a 2260 would put me in range for any college I wanted to apply to. However, I have noticed several people applying to Princeton have been feeling uneasy with 2300+ scores, even retaking those. Now I'm starting to think a 2260 is not so hot... I guess being an Asian male doesn't really help my cause either.</p>

<p>I know that a 2260 is a decent score, but I'm just saying compared to other Princeton applicants, I'm feeling a little outmatched in that aspect of the application. I'm never going to retake the SATs, but I do want to know your opinions. Anybody in the same boat as me?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance guys!</p>

<p>Your SATs are fine. Don’t worry about them. They will definitely not hurt your chances.</p>

<p>This was one of your previous posts…</p>

<p>"Honestly, chance threads are sooo stupid. </p>

<p>If you want me to be honest, everything looks amazing…
…except the part where you say your SAT scores are low. If you feel vulnerable with a 2310, then a guy like me who has a 2260 shouldn’t even bother applying… is that what you’re trying to say?
Your statement sounds like it’s stemming from ignorance, arrogance, false humbleness, or insecurity, any of which could very well get your rejected if it reflects on your essays.
Don’t get offended by the above remark. You have a shot at Harvard, which is all anybody can say in these ■■■■■■■■ chance threads. Feel confident about yourself, and just give it all you got."</p>

<p>So why would you feel the need to ask this? Looks like your the same person as you criticized, gg Choi.</p>

Actually, thanks for pointing that out Nick because that’s EXACTLY one of the threads that made me a little unsure of my scores. I think you missed what I was trying to say to the OP of the thread you so kindly copied and pasted for me. He was whining about how a 2310 was a BAD score. In my case, I know a 2260 is a decent score, but I wanted to see how I stacked up compared to other applicants here on CC. At least I gave the OP of that thread my opinion on his situation, where as all you did was try to bash me. </p>

<p>It’s nice to know that you have the time to snoop around these forums and look for opportunities to snipe out people. Or maybe you have nothing better to do than to look at other people’s old posts, which I’m certain you’ll do now to dig up more dirt on me.</p>

<p>And honestly. “GG”? Get a life.</p>