<p>what makes you think that just because what i said wasn't an insult, it was a compliment. there is an inbetween, the very applicable stick.</p>
<p>:mad: can;t you just say: you're welcome?!</p>
<p>nope (:D)</p>
<p>besides, i say 'no problem' as opposed to you're welcome.
also, i'm happy you typed you're welcome. most people type it your welcome</p>
<p>well, that's because it's my welcome? :)</p>
<p>and "no problem" sounds alot less awkward. When I actually do something worth thanking, I use it.</p>
<p>that's why i say it. it seems less... self-rightous.</p>
<p>and why did you put a question mark for your first statement?</p>
<p>hahaha, lol I didn't even notice it..
that's a typo...</p>
<p>oh. okay.</p>
<p>no problem.</p>
<p>lol oooookay :D</p>
<p>and it's "okay, np."</p>
<p>no it isn't, the very applicable stick. it's "no problem"</p>
<p>np np, MBP! :D</p>
<p>now you're just jealous because you don't have a super cool nickname to call me that i hate to be called!</p>
<p>I can just invent one right now! But since I'm too tired, so you pick something...</p>
<p>y would I?
oh, and that proves that you're jealouse of my super cool nickname for you. HA!</p>
<p>I need time to think, lol besdies, I'm really tired, so my exhausted brain cells won't work very well..</p>
<p>whatever. you're just unoriginal, the very applicable stick.</p>
<p>if u r tired rite now, why can't u sleep? O_O! Oh, I never noticed that MBP is here.......getting on someone's nerve!</p>
<p>I'm tired, but can't sleep.....idk why.. I guess I'll just make a bowl of noodles....duh!!</p>
<p>well, my theory, at least it is always applicable for me: if u r tired......ur body requires rest......aka sleep!</p>
<p>you're mean, too, asif. i know i'm not important, and all, but still!</p>
<p>now that I broke away from my regular online hours, people are online! YAY!</p>