Bear Buddies

<p>Hey everyone! I'm a freshman at Washington University who set up an exciting new program called Bear Buddies. This program is facebook-based and is a great way for incoming freshmen (whether they have been accepted yet or not) to find out about WashU from a student's perspective. Right now, we currently have 58 current freshmen involved in the program, who are ready to answer your questions and 40 incoming freshmen getting the information they want.</p>

<p>Bear Buddies is a two tier system.
Tier 1: You will be paired up with a current freshman after filling out a short questionnaire (details below). This match is based on academic and extracurricular activities that the incoming/interested freshman has with a current freshman. Since bear buddies is an "indie" group, the current freshmen can speak freely and honestly about Washington University. This person will be the primary source of information for the incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Tier 2: All incoming freshmen who sign up will get access to "expert lists." If you have a question that is outside your bear buddy's area of expertise, you can check these lists (there is one for classes, one for extracurriculars, and one for pre-wustl visits [pre-os, fsap, visit weekends]), for someone with expertise in that subject. If you find someone, then you can contact them on facebook and ask them about the topic of interest. These lists are another great way to network with current freshmen.</p>

1. We are currently independent, so all opinions you will receive are 100% honest.
2. It is a great way to meet current freshman with similar interests (networking)
3 You can meet some WashUers before you even step foot on campus (comforting).</p>

1. Go to facebook
2. Go to groups
3. Search for Washington University in St. Louis class of 2013
4. Click on topics
5. Click on "Bear Buddies"
6. Fill out the questionnaire and either post it on the group page or message it to the person who started the thread.</p>


<p>This is so cute. <3</p>

<p>This is cool, I’m going to join.</p>

<p>I just wanted to let everyone know we made Student Life newspaper: [Student</a> Life - Facebook group looks to guide new cubs, with help from current bears](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Also our group is now putting up pictures of different dorm rooms, so you can see exactly what it looks like to live at WashU.</p>

<p>All are welcome to join (directions are above)</p>

<p>Can Bear Buddies be extended to those applying for enrollment in 2014? Show us juniors some love :]</p>

<p>We sure can. Just message the person who started the thread “bear buddies” in this group (washU class of 2013) with a completed questionnaire, which you will find in that thread.</p>

<p>Thanks! where again can i find the questionnaire?</p>

<p>What a great idea! My D got early notification of acceptance for the class of 2013 and I will make sure she gets checks this out on Facebook to get more information from the student point of view about WashU. She is very interested in joining a sorority and I hope she can get some good information about Greek life and other things.</p>

<p>ricosuave: Let me know if you still can’t find it.</p>

<p>hope4freeride: Congrats to your D! This would be a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to find out about greek life. All of the matches are made between current freshmen and incoming freshmen. Since WashU has a delayed rush (until second semester), your daughter can talk to people who just joined the pledge classes for the different sororities.</p>

<p>i found it thanks. i posted the questionnaire on the thread</p>