<p>This first semester has been really difficult for me. I am not going to mention my college since some of you that used to know me might guess it.
The college environment is not what I expected. I can take the harshest conditions but I been really unhappy here. The college administration policies is very strange, and I feel my free will is being lost.
I dont feel like I am in college. I dont want to elaborate.
I want to transfer, but I am completely clueless on what to do next.</p>
<p>Look for schools where you think you will be happier…and send applications!!</p>
<p>And keep your grades up so you CAN transfer.</p>
<p>Your free will is being lost? </p>
<p>Your post is so vague. Are you asking a question, or just trying to share that you are frustrated about how things have turned out for you?</p>
<p>I am asking a question. Sorry for sounding emo.</p>
<p>My D found out the hard way that you don’t always know what you want before you ever get where you’re going … if that makes sense! Once she got to the school she chose, she realized that it lacked certain things she really wanted … she enjoyed her friends, but there were some things she needed academically that were missing. She didn’t know beforehand exactly what to look for, plus she changed her mind about what she really wanted to do. So … she found a school that had what she wanted, applied, was accepted, and is now halfway through a very successful sophomore year. It’s really okay to regroup and find something that fits you better. Just don’t jump out of the frying pan into the fire. Make sure you don’t leave if you don’t have a place in mind that you are sure will be better for you.</p>
<p>I agree with kelsmom. Sounds like you really need to do some reflecting and take inventory before you decide your next move. Make sure you are making the right decisions for the right reasons.</p>
<p>Keep your grades up and start making a list of possible transfer schools. Often when I feel stuck, just taking the first basic steps towards change goes a long way in making my current situation more bearable. </p>
<p>Can you share some specific things you feel are lacking at your current school? That would help in suggesting transfers. </p>
<p>Best of luck to you.</p>
<p>Many schools have very early application deadlines for transfer applications, so start checking NOW if you want to be somewhere else next fall.</p>
<p>Looking at your previous posts, it appears that you chose your school at least in part because of an excellent scholarship (congrats, by the way! ) that you needed in order to attend. Many schools give very poor financial aid for transfers and almost none give substantial merit aid (more than a few thousand)? Is there anyway you think you may warm up to your current school? What, specifically, don’t you like about your current school? Are you unhappy enough that you would be willing to take on substantial debt to transfer, especially if you’re still planning on med school (debt enough for anyone!)?</p>
<p>Shoot, SkyGirl. I’ve thought of you this semester and had hoped things were going well for you. I’m so sorry to hear the school isn’t working out. I agree with the need to keep your grades up. It can be tough when you’re not happy, but it’s essential. I didn’t look up your stats, but suggest you take a look at Rice. They have fantastic financial aid, and from what I’ve read here on CC, it seems like a really happy campus. I found this on their website: “Last year, 116 Rice seniors applied to medical school and 102 were admitted - an acceptance rate of nearly 90 percent.”</p>
<p>Here’s a link to their transfer website: [Rice</a> University | Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Transfer1.asp]Rice”>http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Transfer1.asp)</p>
<p>I’m wishing you all the best!!!</p>
<p>I strongly suggest that you talk with a counselor at your college counseling center.</p>
<p>Months ago, you were posting that you were concerned about not being able to go to college at all because, in part, your mother was pressuring you by saying in part that she would die if you went away to college. In addition, you were concerned about finances.</p>
<p>No matter where you are in college, you’re in a better situation than you’d be in if you hadn’t gone to college. Given your finances and the fact that you’d be a transfer, it probably would be very hard to get the financial aid you’d need to be able to transfer.</p>
<p>My advice is to rejoice at your good fortune in reaching your dream of going to college. Find a way of being happy where you are. No place is going to be perfect, and no matter what college you’re in, you’ve got a lot of options on the campus.</p>
<p>Virtually all college students have some adjustment difficulties their first year. This particularly is true of students who are first generation college, and who also have family pressure not to be in college in the first place. No college is paradise, but many students are disappointed in college because they expected far more than any college could provide.</p>
<p>If you do decide to transfer, then keep your grades up, read the transfer board here at CC, and also examine the web pages of colleges that interest you. Make sure that they provide good financial aid to transfers. Keep in mind, too, that you’ll need to adjust to any college that you decide to go to. That will include finding new friends, getting used to the overall atmosphere, etc.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. I didnt want to divulge too much of the school since it is kinda of common knowledge where I am studying. I know wht u are saying northstarmom.
Right now they are cutting costs and even a student job is not assured.
The scholarship is not full, and since I cant get a job off campus, according to the school, it has been struggle somewht trying to pay my debts.
When I was offered a job to work in the lab with a prof, the labor office said I cant pursue it since I am still a freshman and I am taking the opportunity from seniors.
When my roommate started being violent, the admin said deal with it and be grateful with getting a free tuition. I literally slept outside and they refused to act.
There other stuff I am dealing with here tht surprised me. I been a mess this month.
Dont mention the school name guys.
Some classes like chem I enjoyed, and I made some decent friends.
There are some good people I met here in my college.</p>
<p>Are you in a safe place at night now?</p>
<p>A change in environment may be exactly what you need. Get out of there. Transfer to another school and enjoy a new and fresh start.</p>
<p>Skygirl, I think you need to get started doing some research ASAP. Figure out what schools you might be interested in transferring to, and some back up plans in case those don’t work out. Find out what their deadlines are, and get going on applications. I think you’ll feel better if you’re working toward a positive change, at least it will take your mind off your current situation. Good luck!</p>
<p>That sounds like an awful situation! I’m so sorry you have to go through that… Did you ever get your roommate situation resolved? Are you at school now or home for the break?</p>
<p>Skygirl, If I remember correctly, didn’t you go to a “Christian” college? I think you need to analyze why you are unhappy and seek out schools that have a culture different from what is making you unhappy. </p>
<p>If you are unhappy for reasons outside of the school’s culture ( i.e. you never leave your room to meet people, you aren’t outgoing, etc.) then transferring won’t help you. Thus, you really need to analyze why you are unhappy.</p>
<p>In addition, someone rightly noted that you should work hard there. Your gpa will be crucial for transfer decision. Too many kids don’t like the college that they are in and, consequently, don’t do well. This unfortunately causes them to be unable to transfer. It is a form of “catch 22.”</p>
<p>“When I was offered a job to work in the lab with a prof, the labor office said I cant pursue it since I am still a freshman and I am taking the opportunity from seniors.
When my roommate started being violent, the admin said deal with it and be grateful with getting a free tuition. I literally slept outside and they refused to act.”</p>
<p>What you’re describing are not things that are typical for college students to have to cope with. I see why you are trying to transfer.</p>
<p>Keep using this board for help as you keep your grades up and investigate transfer options.</p>
<p>See if the college counseling center can help you. Perhaps it is better organized and more supportive than the administrators you’ve encountered so far.</p>
<p>skygirl, I didnn’t see the comment about having a violent roommate above. If you have this problem, DEFINITELY petition the school to get your rooming situations changed asap. If nothing is done, I would probably have your family attorney write a letter to the school’s head of dorms and copy the president of the school. Legal letters seem to get more movement.</p>
<p>I must admit that I am put off by the comments from the labor office, not to mention the administrations refusal to deal with violent behavior. You would think that this would be quickly investigated post Virginia Tech. I do feel for you. </p>
<p>If things are this bad, and you can’t stay in your room, and no options are available to you, you might want to consider not going back and just take some time off to transfer.</p>