Bearfacts Question

<p>I registered for my phase I courses through Telebears today, but when I try to check my schedule on Bearfacts, it says I am not currently registered in any courses. I'm assuming this is just due to a delay in the system updating itself, but just to make sure, is that in fact probably the case?</p>

<p>Or is this a serious problem that I should contact someone about....?</p>

<p>If it shows up in Telebears, you should be good.</p>

<p>I believe you have to wait for the system to update. Check back tomorrow and see.</p>

<p>bearfacts is updated in the morning typically with the prior day’s schedules from telebears. This is normal. If you log onto telebears and see the right schedule, all is well. That is the authoritative source.</p>