bed risers

<p>I read somewhere that the beds have risers built in and can adjust to different heights. Do I need to get additional risers? Also, when the bed is raised, how many inches do you have underneath? Target is starting to put their storage containers on sale and I am trying to figure out what will fit under the bed.</p>

<p>I would wait until you get the dorm assignment. There might be differences.</p>

<p>My DD was in Rodney. We raised up the bed as far as it would go, then we added one set of risers (I think they were from Target - white plastic - no reason to spend more). I would say the bed ended up about about 24-30 inches high. Also had several plastic drawers under there. It was amazing how much could go under the bed.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Delaware Facilities Website - Residence Halls Information](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>check here, pick your dorm and it will give you the sizes of all of your furniture and space under the bed. i think beds may actually be standard, i had 24" and didn’t use bed risers, however lots of people did to have even more room. if you’re like me and have a huge amount of clothing drawers under your bed will be a lifesaver.</p>

<p>My D’s bed raised high enough on its own to store pretty much everything she wanted underneath, so she didn’t use risers at all.</p>