Bed vs. Loft bed

<p>I'm going into U Miami and my roommate and I are considering getting loft beds in our Hecht dorm. My roommate is definitely getting one. While I know it's great for space, I still have my concerns:</p>

<p>-is it easy to get in and out of bed?
-how hard is it to get in & out of bed while impaired (if you know what I mean)
-how high is the ceiling from your face in a loft bed?
-is it annoying when trying to have another person in the bed with you?
-is it worth not getting it and using my bed as a kind of couch, or will that get annoying?</p>

<p>Any other comments on loft beds in the dorms I'd love to hear</p>

<p>BUMP Please :)</p>

<p>Dear S hated loft bed. Had it in Stanford for a few weeks before having it removed. Found it too high and hard to manage.</p>

<p>It’s nice but it gets old. I’m not lofting again, but I did fine with it lofted my first year. Plenty of people had their beds unlofted throughout the year and those that didn’t generally aren’t doing it again.</p>

<p>I personally loved having the lofted bed. Yeah, it was a little squeaky, but getting in and out wasn’t that much of a pain, and it freed up so much room that it was completely worth it. Moral of the story, it really depends on the person on whether you love it or hate it.</p>