been 8 weeks and no reply- worried!

I submitted my application on december 18 for engineering, but my teacher only submitted his recommendation on january 1st. It has been 8 weeks since i submitted my app and 6 weeks since my teacher submitted his rec letter and i still have not gotten a decision yet. last week, my status changed to “in committee” review, but it is still taking a really long time. should i be concerned because on Purdue’s website, it says that i should receive a decision in 4-6 weeks.

Try not to worry. From what I understand from another posters summary of the parent information chat in December, the engineering department alone was expecting over 15,000 applicants this year. That is a lot of applications to review and it may take some longer than the estimate on the website. If your status changed, then that is a good sign that your application is making it through its steps.