Beering Scholarship

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Anyone hear anything yet? I have not…</p>

<p>Me neither.</p>

<p>Nothing here.</p>

<p>good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I got nominated for Stamps! But not for Beering… :frowning: As far as I can tell.</p>

<p>My son got an email today that he was an alternate for the Beering Scholarship - if one of the finalists declines, then he’ll be invited to interview. </p>

<p>On the more exciting side, he was nominated for the Stamps Scholarship and he will be contacted next for an interview with Mr. Stamps. It also says “We hope to and anticipate being able to offer this scholarship to a high percentage of the students who have been nominated for it.” This scholarship is worth a total of $128,000 (we’re out of state), plus access to an additional $10,000 enrichment fund (to attend conferences, study abroad, fund internships, etc.). </p>

<p>Keeping our fingers crossed!! Best of luck to the rest of you!!</p>

<p>Marciemi what were your son’s scores?</p>

<p>I haven’t received any news from the Beering yet, it is normal to not receive an email if they did not select you as a finalist?</p>

<p>I am looking at it as a positive that I haven’t heard anything when others have heard no/alternate messages (#26 & #27). I’m probably grasping, but that’s how I’m looking at it for now. Congrats to the others on the Stamps opportunity. It’s incredible, as well.</p>

<p>@Indy - 36 ACT, 13 AP’s, 4.0, #2/411, graduating a year early as a junior this year.</p>

<p>@caveman - that may be. He got the packet of Stamps stuff in the mail yesterday. I had no idea it wasn’t a Purdue-specific scholarship and is actually offered at 2 other colleges he’s been accepted at (Caltech and U of Michigan). Wonder if it’s transferable? :wink: </p>

<p>Keep us updated on what you find out and we’ll do the same as he finds out the next step on the phone interviews. He goes out to Purdue next week for a visit as well (arranged through the ME department) so that will make a big difference in his choices, along with what happens with the Stamps!</p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>

<p>For scholarships like Beering and Stamps, test scores might get you invited to apply but EVERYTHING else has to be just as important…</p>

<p>We’re also in the waiting mode. Daughter has ACT: 36, SAT: 2380, SAT II: Math2 800; Phy 780, “only” 9 AP’s because of band/chorus scheduling, 4.0/#1 unweighted, 4.81/#11 weighted (of 670). Great activities (math team, music, dance, theater, etc.), leadership, good if not better essays, great recommendation letters, etc. etc. etc.</p>

<p>She will have some excellent schools to choose from when she makes her final decision. Without Beering/Stamps, I don’t think Purdue will be an option but we’ll see.</p>

<p>I’m also waiting to hear back about Beering / Stamps. Does anyone know for sure if those who did not get interviews for either will be officially informed of their rejection?</p>

<p>Congratulations to those who received good news.</p>

I re-read the invitation letter last night. It says everyone will be notified of their status. So I guess we’ll hear one way or the other. Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Any more updates? My son had his Skype interview yesterday and said it went really well - he said that Mr. Stamps told him that he would contact Purdue and “tell them we had a lovely chat and I’d love to sponsor you as a Stamps scholar”. Taking that as a good sign but not counting on anything until we get it in writing! He flies out tomorrow night for a visit so hoping he really enjoys it!</p>

<p>@marciemi: Congratulations to your son on the great Stamps interview. That’s fantastic. </p>

<p>No update from me–haven’t heard a thing about Beering. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Ouch! No Beering. No Stamps. Bye-bye Boilers, most likely.</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!! It was great chatting with you all.</p>

<p>Same here, caveman2016. I got the letter saying I didn’t get either of them as well. Congratulations to those that advanced!</p>

<p>D and a friend both got the “no” letter today. Postmarked 2/29.</p>

<p>Just a quick update, but my son got the letter today that he received the Stamps Scholarship following his interview last week! Pretty exciting!!</p>

<p>One funny thing though was on the second page of the letter it said “If your high school has an awards ceremony and you would like a Purdue representative to present you with a Beering Scholarship certificate during the event…” - Yeah, he’d LOVE to have one of those! ;)</p>

<p>But we’re grateful enough for the Stamps Scholarship and he enjoyed having the chance to talk to Mr. Stamps!</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your son!</p>