Beginning think about engineering....

Since high school, i was determine on majoring in ecology or environmental science, but i have become intrigued by environmental engineering. But i am not sure i have what it takes or even know what it takes to be an engineer. Any help?

  • a very stressed and confused kid :frowning:

What year are you? Still in high school?

Yea, still in high school, going to enter my senior year :o

What math will you be taking in your senior year? Will you have taken any physics by the time you’ve graduated?

Engineering is a very math and physics intensive field, so it helps if you have good preparation in high school.

Enviro. E Is said to be less math intensive then the other disciplines (don’t think you wont be using it though). They teach you everything you need to know in college. If you can keep a B or better in your highest math course in HS you can probably get through engineering with enough work.

I have only taken one year of physics, and am currently taking AP Statistics. I was originally going to take AP Calc, but my teacher convinced me to do stats instead. Would this make much of an impact, because I do know calc is needed for engineering!

and thank you for the info Ultimablade!

Do you know why your teacher suggested stats? Often for engineering AP Calc is helpful.