Being a mormon

<p>I am a mormon and wondering if it would help my chances at any schools, particularly ivies. Does it give me minority status (dont laugh, i am truly curious)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am looking to major in International Relations and French or Spanish.</p>

<p>No part on the applications of any of the Ivies ask for religion. You could mention it in the essays, though. It might make for interesting reading, but it's not likely to give you a leg up in admissions. Belonging to an underrepresented religion or sexual orientation is not really given much weight compared to beilonging to an underrepresented race, socioeconomic status, etc.</p>

<p>oops.... sorry ! i thought the title was "Being a Moron" Sorry again!!!</p>

<p>lol primitive! only a moron would ask such a</p>

<p>to the OP: it may or may not help. Maybe you could work some unique experiences you have had or have in your life that happened as a result of being mormon into an essay. The mormons I know are very nice and wholesome people...but they certainly have their own oddities.</p>

<p>wut chaddyboy i thought u said u where GAY before and now ur mormon too?????? mormom people cant be gay man idk wut ur talking about troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Being from Utah would help you in admissions though, since HYPS don't receive many applicants from there and want geographically diverse student bodies.</p>

<p>Being gay AND Mormon would make for quite an interesting read for the application essays, lol!</p>

<p>i think you should stop worrying about whether your sexual orientation, geographic location and religion will get you into a school and start focusing on school and picking up your grades. sorry to sound like an 'a-hole', but it irks me when ppl ask questions like that. good luck w the process though.</p>

<p>A great point, filmxoxo17. Focus on the admissions factors you CAN change like grades and ec's rather than things you are born with.</p>

<p>I don't think it's going to help you at all. I am also a mormon, but I didn't even mention it in my appliciations (besides saying that I go to seminary and stuff). Your merits need to get you into college, not your religion.</p>

<p>I think religion / sexual orientation could hurt you at some point. Discrimination is still all over the place. I usually don't mention I'm a muslim, afraid that I might suffer from "backlash" especially with all this stuff about "terrorists blowing stuff up" I play safe and not talk about my religion at all.</p>

<p>The above is all in regard to the college application status, of course</p>

<p>Well I didnt intend to let my religion get me into a college, I was simply wondering if it was worth mentioning in my essays. And to clarify something, yes I am gay AND mormon. It certainly makes things difficult but I can't really do anything about it until I am out of Utah (besides I could have my Eagle Scout award taken away b/c of my being gay). Sorry for any confusion.</p>