First off, an Under Represented Minority (URM) is term that applies to US Citizens who are African Americans, Mexican-Americans, Native Americans (American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians), Pacific Islanders, and mainland Puerto Ricans. **International students, no matter what ethnicity, do not qualify as URM’s for the purposes of college admissions. ** If you would like to read more about URM’s in college admissions, here’s a good paper about it:
Secondly, years ago a student who was an Under Represented Minority (URM) would get a huge leg up in the college applications process. However, these days that doesn’t happen as much – or not to the extent that most people think. I wrote the below several years ago, and haven’t updated the information for the class of 2020, but my guess is the trend still stands.
If you look through the Harvard and Yale Class of 2019 Decision Threads and just focus on test scores, you’ll see that URM tests scores are just about the same as non-URM test scores. So, there seems to be very little bump from being a URM.
Harvard Class of 2019 SCEA Decision Thread
Harvard Class of 2019 RD Decision Thread:
Yale Class of 2019 SCEA Decision Thread
Yale Class of 2019 RD Decision Thread:
Based upon the College Confidential data from last year, my take: Harvard seems to attract more URM’s with top scores – and those students are rejected and accepted with about the same frequency as non-URM students. Yale seems to attract more URM’s with lower test scores (possibly because of Questbridge), but for the most part URM’s with low test scores are not being accepted. And just like Harvard, URM’s with top test scores are rejected.