being gay at northwestern.

<p>hey guys! so i was just wondering how quiet or visible the gay (and dating, and acceptance, etc) scene is at northwestern, as i am really looking there as a potential ed applicant and i have not had a chance to see it yet. i'm a huge creative writer (hence the username), so i'd probably be going for english and/or economics. i'm super excited about northwestern, i just want to be sure that i won't feel out of place or uncomfortable if i do end up applying ed and being accepted (i wish haha, bad freshman year... :/). and yes, i will definitely visit before applying, but while i wait i figured i would ask you guys. :) thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I think the general response tends to be that NU is a great place to be gay, often with a side, only-partially-serious citation of how top-rated the theater program is here.</p>

<p>Okay, but what if you aren’t involved in theater? Haha, sorry, just wondering. I probably will be at least semi-involved (in a cappella, I sing… and I do a lot of theater, but I can’t compete with NU’s drama haha), but I don’t want to feel like an outsider in my respective class groups and whatnot.</p>

<p>Why do you feel like people would regard you as an outsider? The students at Northwestern are an incredibly intelligent, incredibly accepting bunch, and it doesn’t matter if you’re majoring in theater or physics. Schools like NU pride themselves on their diversity and open mindedness, and the only “class group” anyone will be pigeonholing you into is the class of 2016. I can promise you that NU will not make you feel uncomfortable. NU definitely has a sizable and welcoming LGBT community. </p>

<p>If you like NU so much, apply ED! You won’t regret it, and perhaps when you get a chance to visit the campus you’ll realize the extent to which you love the school. Our economics department is absolutely one of the best around, and our English department is also about as top-notch as they come - an interesting side note is that if you pursue a degree in the English department, you can choose to get a degree in either Literature or Creative Writing. If you’re as big a writer as you claim to be, then this seems like a perfect mesh! </p>

<p>But in all honesty, don’t fret about feeling out of place because I know you won’t be.</p>

<p>haha okay, i heard from someone else that unless you do theater, you don’t really see any of the gay life, so that’s why i was wondering. :slight_smile: thanks, i’m definitely going to come visit!</p>

<p>By “gay life”, you mean gay/lesbian friends? They have a GLBT student group you can join. NU probably doesn’t have an annual gay pride/walk on campus like some schools do; but once you get to know a few gay/lesbian friends, you and your friends can go to Lakeview which has one of the biggest/most vibrant gayborhoods in the US. It’s an easy train ride from Evanston.</p>