Being in UNC as an international student?????

<p>I've applied EA to chapel hill and have been offered an admission (Im korean by the way. Im living in germany now). If I remember correctly the student body has only one percent international students. Since seventy something percent is suppose to come from the state itself, quite a few newcomers will probably know each other.</p>

<p>Im worried that if i do go, i might have a hard time fitting in among all the north carolineans and the fact that there are so little number of non americans. Could anyone tell me what the atmosphere is like, especially for an international studdent?</p>

<p>There are a LOT of Koreans on campus.</p>

<p>As in koreans with american citizenship or koreans who are korean on paper?</p>

<p>i am also an international student accepted EA by UNC. i think that after the initial inconveniences of getting visas and straightening out financial matters, it will be fine. besides, there isn’t much difference between a korean with american citizenship and a korean without, is there?</p>

<p>yeah, they’re really seem ‘unfriendly’ towards international students.</p>

<p>And i would have to argue against that; there is a lot of difference in my opinion. I mean if youve been living in america your whole life, youre obviously gonna be different from a korean who’s lived in korea for the majority of his/her life.</p>

<p>Even some of my american friends in my school who’ve been in germany for a long time(at least five six years) admit that they don’t think they’re totally american. Imagine how different you’d be if you grew up in a foreign country your whole life, only genetically speaking youre from a different culture.</p>