Being unable to verify course I took

So I heard that ~10% of UC applicants have to verify their EC’s and volunteer work.
I took a course on EdX over the summer and I’ve put it into the activities section. However, I did it from my brother’s account. So if they ask for proof, I won’t be able to prove I did it. Should I remove it from my application, or can I explain it in case they request verification?

After hearing of one harrowing experience a parent here at CC shared regarding her son’s efforts at verifying information while dealing with the UC’s , I don’t see your being able to merely explain away the EdX course with a simple “I used my brother’s account.”

Do with that what you will.

Remove it. If they ask to verify and you cannot, rejection.

Thank you for the advice. I’ve removed it, but I’m kind of disappointed because it tied in well with my chosen major.