Belmont vs Dominican University for BSN

So here we are, 10 days before May 1 deadline, and have the blessing of choices but also the nightmare of indecision as we are clueless about too many things.

Quick background - DS decided late in the game to pursue nursing. Like REALLY late in the game as in after most applications have closed. After researching pre-nursing to nursing programs versus direct admit programs, he/we decided the direct admit was the way to go due to the crazy competition of nursing programs. He is admitted to several California State Universities which offer pre-nursing but my goodness the chances are daunting - for instance Sonoma State has over 300 applicants for 24 spots, Chico state is a lottery…

Anyway, he has a spot at the tiny Dominican University of California and Belmont University. Belmont acceptance came in today. Costs are about the same on both.

We’ve not been to Belmont.

On the other hand, he is in at UC Davis undeclared social studies. They do not have a nursing major. Also University of Washington, which does have a nursing major but he did not apply to it.

Could his options be further apart?

I read that it “doesn’t matter” where one gets the BSN, one just has to pass the test. To what extent is this really true?

I can’t speak to the nursing part, but we visited Belmont and it was a beautiful campus in a thriving city. My S will likely end up in Boston or New York because he wanted a bigger city, but I would have loved for him to pick Belmont. Buildings are amazing and they have invested in the schools significantly over the last 20 years.

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It doesn’t matter where you get your nursing degree. Get good clinical experience and pass boards. You’re all set.

Belmont in Nashville? You know it’s a religious school? Nothing wrong with that. My youngest son applied for music business. But it’s a different experience.

This situation sounds like a reset might be in-order. Especially if there are cheaper, better options. Direct admit would be a plus. Gap year? Go to CC and reapply?

Location matters a bit for summer jobs as well as for first job. After that not so much. For summer jobs hospitals like to hire students from local schools in hopes that the student will also pick some hours during the school year. Also for first jobs hospitals like to hire students that they know from summer jobs or from clinical rotations. With the shortages though it might be easier than it used to be.

One is Catholic I believe and looks smaller.

The other is midsize and very Christian. Also it is adjacent to Vanderbilt so you’re in a more dense area, in West End of Nashville.

Agreed if nursing is the goal that you should choose a school where you can major, pre major or direct admit. Direct is better but please ensure you understand the curriculum and other religious requirements. If they do not work then go CSU.

Good luck.

If your son is sure he wants to be an RN, either of the direct entry programs would be good. Does he want to stay in California post college graduation? If so, it may be a bit better to choose Dominican. I don’t know anything about either of those programs, as I am mostly familiar with the 50+ direct entry programs in my home state of Pennsylvania. Which of the two direct admit nursing options does he prefer? The other possibility would be to take a gap year and apply to a wide range of direct entry programs.

Dominican is a respected nursing program here in the Bay Area. No better and no worse than the CSUs, USF, etc. If he wants to work in CA then he should stay in CA for nursing school–will make his path that much smoother in terms of taking NCLEX, making connections during clinicals that could lead to a coveted Bay Area job.


I’ve been an RN for 23 years. It does not matter at all where one gets their BSN. I went to a tiny little LAC, direct admit to nursing as long as you met the grade requirements. I had multiple offers at the Mayo clinic and others. You just want to look at the schools NCLEX pass rate.

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