Benefits of Honors Program at Madison

<p>My son received a letter encouraging him to apply for the Honors Program in L&S at Madison. He is still not completely decided on a major, but is leaning toward a math/business double major. I would appreciate any advice, opinions, thoughts or clarifications about the Honors program. I'm not sure if he would be applying for the Honors in Liberal Arts or Honors in Major (Math). Could he also combine a business degree with an Honors program?? (He is also going to apply for direct admit into the business program, but I've heard that is very competitive.)</p>

<p>Thanks for any thoughts you can share!</p>

<p>Read the UW Honors program sites- in L&S and Business for what is involved. The Math Honors sequence of 4 semesters is theory (versus problem) based and was excellent for son- he had HS AP calculus credits also (not the same material so could get credit for both, and the first 3 semesters included 4 semesters of classes- the algebra one that follows). He was able to do several grad level math courses as an undergrad.</p>

<p>A student can join at any time but to get mailings, have an Honors advisor at SOAR and other fringe benefits do it now. Can take as many or few Honors credits, etc. Much more than back in my day. Opportunities if you join, nothing to lose. No need to take x number of honors credits in any semester, but you need to take enough to qualify for one of the available Honors degrees. No special dorms. Not sure how the Business School handles its Honors Program- you can research it. Since most students start (and stay) in L&S that would be the program to join initially to be able to take Honors courses (those not in the Honors program could take the courses but only if there is room after H students sign up).</p>

<p>You are likely to have a more challenging course with a smarter peer group to challenge you in Honors courses. You can do more work, etc for some other courses. You can drop out/return also. I would start out in it to get the summer advising and freshman courses as desired, then reevaluate. No need to join in any activites.</p>