I am wondering when we are notified about Benjamin Franklin Scholars and other honors programs. Anybody ED get Benjamin Franklin Scholar yet?</p>
<p>I would think they announce that stuff after all their RD decisions are made</p>
Congrats on Wharton!
I really hope I get to be a Benjamin Franklin Scholar…</p>
<p>How do we get it? Do we have to do anything for that?</p>
<p>what’s a benjamin scholar?? any benefits?</p>
<p>BFS (historically) has been a recruiting tool for RD, so don’t hold your breath. (However, they have been changing some of the policies…)</p>
<p>is this a merit scholarship of some sort? I was unaware of this and was under the impression that the Ivy U’s don’t award scholarships, only finanicial aid.</p>
<p>It’s just an honors program, no scholarship attached (though it is a great source of funding later on if you want to do research). Additionally, some BFS and JWS students used to get grants instead of loans, but that’s obsolete under Penn’s newer financial aid programs.</p>
<p>do we have to do anything to be eligible for that?</p>
I wonder the same question.</p>
<p>no, they’ll notify you if you’ve been selected.</p>