Berkeley Admissions Released Early?

<p>Some of my friends come up and.others don’t…seems pretty legit to me. Still can’t mentally prepare myself to search my own name…</p>

<p>I’ll search it for you</p>

<p>did all of ur guys name show up???</p>

<p>its legit, all the people i know invited to regents are listed. regents invitational is equivalent to admittance.</p>

<p>My friend that got UC Regents shows up in there, as well as three of my other friends who didn’t get Regents (and then me). I’m pretty sure this is legit.</p>

<p>Searched my name, showed up with the ID in the 92----- range. This just made my night. I seriously now would be devastated if this was some kind of sick joke. My heart rate jumped to like 120 when I hit enter. </p>

<p>I think it’s legit for sure because all the kids at my school that are shoo ins i searched and they got in and I searched other friends who are definite no’s and they aren’t on here. Good stuff (well not for them but for me).</p>

<p>hmmmm…i will be devasted if this is not true, not to mention that i am sitll very skeptical because my sat is 1650…so yeah, i still doubt this, but i guess ill wait for the final decision.</p>

<p>Strong username the op has.</p>

But I don’t know. Some people that are really samrt at my school got into UCLA but aren’t popping up in UCB’s directory? Idk. I guess I’m going to have to just wait till Thursday, but this gives me hope(:</p>

<p>going to bed. do find it interesting that op knows so much about how UID’s are allocated…hmmm. can’t imagine the typical high school applicant knowing this.</p>

<p>hmm,…good point…!!!
plus, it said for “current students at cal” meaning people who had already accepted their SIR…</p>

<p>why would they post everyones name who have been admitted and then go back and erase those who decided to not attend cal…tho it sounds legit, i still think this is kind of a joke…but who knoews, thats my theory</p>

<p>I just tried to confirm everything in the original post. Everything the OP says appears to be true. The ID’s are indeed in chronological order of entry. Students who were admitted to Cal last year should have ID’s starting in the high 80k range as stated. For this reason students admitted for fall term should have an ID in the ~90k. If you don’t believe me type in some names of people you know that got into Cal last year. It’s easy to confirm. Also, the OP’s username suggests he/she is probably not a applicant as that information seems to have been from within Cal. If this is a joke, I have to really kudos the topic creator for thinking of such a sick and believable trick with certain names left off the list to make it look real. </p>

<p>The only thing that completely boggles my mind is how a few students I know who have gotten multiple Cs (no not B’s. Cs!) sophomore year and 1 junior year got admitted to Berkeley’s engineering school if this list is true. That is the only doubt that I am really having here. Maybe the names of the waitlisted are also entered? Not too sure but with all the random acceptances and everything UC’s have been doing I guess it’s not too outlandish. </p>

<p>Enjoy everyone. And congrats; hope it’s real.</p>

<p>I don’t know if I’m bursting anyone’s bubbles, but I just tried looking for my name and it didn’t show up - I’m a current student.</p>

<p>demoz, i found my name and all of my friend’s names on there. Maybe you’re just not doing it right.</p>

<p>edit: we’re all students as well</p>

<p>Current student as well, did find my name</p>

<p>just tried again in a bunch of different ways… still didn’t find my name… maybe they never got my SIR and i’ve just been auditing classes… lol…</p>

<p>@g0ld3n I actually am an applicant; my name appears on that directory. I created this account because I prefer to remain anonymous (however, several people may guess who I am).</p>

<p>@demoz try “Lastname, Firstname”. I have tried around 20 current students and the database works fine.</p>

<p>I guess I wasn’t fully clear in the instructions: to use the CalNet Directory, enter your name last [comma] first into the search box (ex: 'Lastname, Firstname"). Use the name you put on your UC Application. If your name appears, check that the CalNet UID listed is between 90XXXX and 95XXXX. This is the assumed range for Fall 2011 Freshman. If it lies below this range, it is likely to be an upperclassman that attends Berkeley. If a result appears from the search, it only means that a person with that name has been entered into the CalNet database. It does not necessarily mean it is you that was entered since many people share the same name. Finally, this does not constitute admission since actual notification should appear on bearfacts on 3/24.</p>

<p>Also seems like the list isnt complete. Ok, lee is an extremely common last name for asians and first names that start beyond A dont even show up. Like mine.</p>

Note: Results are limited to 50.</p>

<p>Would this work for transfers as well you think?</p>