Berkeley Admissions Released Early?

<p>Well I just checked pretty much every student I know that applied from my school and I’ve come to the conclusion that this list can’t be real unless my school went from ~35 admittance to cal last year to like ~55. Doesn’t make too much since since our UCLA numbers went from 37 to 23 from last year. I think this list simply means something else such as if the student was entered in the calnet database so their app could be read etc etc etc. If your name doesn’t appear on that list you could be the last ~3% of apps remaining that they have not read through or something. This just doesn’t seem to be possible that cal would honestly admit all of these kids some of them that I know have under a 3.7 unweighted. It’s not 1-2 people either, it’s like 20.</p>

<p>Ugh. I hate that thing.</p>

<p>This is making me stay up late!!!</p>

<p>@ g0ld3n, i agree, that also happened me, basically all the names that i search at my school were admited…which seems imposible</p>

<p>@Calnet, can you please tell us what the catch of this “website” is…i really wana know, it would really sucks if u are just pranking us…</p>

<p>whatever this is, berkeley f’d up. That directory shouldn’t have high school applicants of any sort in it.</p>

<p>God damn it what a hell of a prank…I commend you sir. Damn.</p>

<p>I still cant believe such a hiccup actually happened.</p>

<p>Anyway, on your myBerkeley app, do you still see this:</p>

<p>Your application has been received and is In Review
Decisions will be available the evening of March 24, 2011</p>

<p>“Fall admitted students are loaded into the CalNet Directory starting in early April.”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Congratulations to those who were admitted.</p>

<p>This does seem rather fishy… try to stay calm everybody.</p>

<p>not necessarily a prank – its definitely cal’s site. a f up on berkeley’s part on par with ucsd’s flub a few years ago.</p>

<p>if its this obvious, dont u think it would be on the news already?</p>

<p>just read pingu’s post and link. i guess this is normal procedure. seems odd that you would release all the names like this however.</p>

<p>It’s not early april though…</p>

<p>you know, i rEALLLY wish this is a legit thing, because ill be realllly happy…but theres just something about it, idk, its not right</p>

<p>The point is that they create a CalNet Directory entry for all admitted students, not just those who accept the offer of admission. That article was written 4 years ago, when they entered the students after decisions were released. By entering students before decisions are released, if Berkeley admits decide to immediately accept the offer and attempt to set up a CalNet ID, they won’t run into any problems because their information is already in the system.</p>


<p>go to 1:37
[YouTube</a> - The Departed - Billy met with Queenan & Dignam](<a href=“The Departed - Billy meets with Queenan & Dignam - YouTube”>The Departed - Billy meets with Queenan & Dignam - YouTube)</p>

<p>I’m going to stop using this account now; I think it’s served its purpose. I hope next year CalNet fixes this possibility they overlooked. This is a one line bug that would literally take seconds to fix: all a coder has to do is modify the search return method to only include students who have already sent his/her SIR. I hope CalNet fixes this by tomorrow and may you only be pleasantly surprised with your college admissions.</p>

<p>HHHAHAHAHA, yeas, that is me right now…and because of this shizz, i cannot sleep …until i find the truth…=[</p>

<p>OH MY GOD I AM IN THE LIST! Please tell me this means I’m IN! Berkeley = #1 choice!</p>