Berkeley apps help

<p>I have a quick question about the berkeley apps
i go to de anza and I need to take English writing 1A+1B+1C to fulfill the English R1A+R1B requirement for berkeley. However on the application it only gave me two slots. but right under the R1A and R1b slot there's a box saying, " English, if necessary," what does that mean and what should I do?</p>

<p>Put only A for the R1A if it has the most units out of the three. Then put B and C for R1B. </p>

<p>They’ll figure it out they aren’t stupid.</p>

<p>Are you doing IGETC? I remember that for De Anza, you only need 2 english classes for the IGETC. EWRT1A and EWRT2 (look at the IGETC form) unless you are did GE reqs.</p>

<p>one more question guys:
PLEASE HELP: for the Dept Name and Course Number do we put our school’s dept name and course number? so for deanza should i put EWRT 1a? eWRT 1B?instead of R1A, R1B?</p>

<p>bump anyone?</p>

<p>If it’s IGETC it should be just EWRT 1A and EWRT 2 or PHIL 3 or SPCH 9 and then you list completely the way it appears in the schedule of classes onto the application</p>