<p>So, this board has started dwelling on a lot of the negatives at Berkeley and comparisons between Cal and Schools X, Y, Q… so let’s focus on the positives of Berkeley (especially for prospective Freshman who are easily influenced by the bombardment of “problems” that Berkeley has). What makes Cal stand out on its own without having to be compared and contrasted to other schools? Why should I be psyched about being in the '09 class?? Hmm?</p>
<p>Also, I’d really like to know what the students and admits here on the board have going for them (other than cheesy numbered stats)? What makes you unique? What aspect do you bring (or could bring) to Cal?</p>
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<p>Hey Marie. If you were an admissions officer, would you say:</p>
<p>"If they[applicants] don't get into Berkeley, let them go to Stanford!"</p>
<p>I'm sure I don't need to go into the historical inaccuracies of that... lol.</p>
<p>Ok, I should probably answer my own question: Cal stands out to me because when I told my family I was accepted, they were impressed and slightly worried. I'm estatic about my acceptance because Cal was the first to offer as Celtic Studies major (oops, I chose a "fluff" major ~rolls eyes~) and they have a great archaeology program.</p>
<p>I'm unique in that if I could wear a bodice and/or hoop skirt on a daily basis, I would be happy (it's not suprising that I work as a "living historian" at a colonial reinactment farm), and I'm bringing excitement with a grain of salt that might liven up the "Fluff" majors.</p>
<p>Come on! Anyone else?</p>
<p>Berkeley's the type of environment where somebody who wears weird clothing and majors in Celtic Studies is not considered particularly weird. That's a plus. The campus and the city are full of energy. There are as many academic resources as any college in the country, a student just needs to know how to use them.</p>
<p>Celtic studies is a "fluff" major because the concepts themselves are not going to be particularly hard, compared to say, electrical engineering. Some things are just easier than other things. That being said, I would not expect many people in Celtic Studies simply because they were lazy. A subject like that is only going to attract people who are especially interested and drawn to it. Unlike something like sociology, where people might be drawn to it simply because it's easy.</p>
<p>MarieAntoinette: Thank goodness for pointing out that historical inaccuracy! </p>
<p>To borrow a line from the admissions office...</p>
<p>There is no place like it. Anywhere.</p>
<p>I really like the idea of Cal because it can give me an excellent education while at the same time making me more self-reliant. I also started looking at the course listings for Fall 2005 and I turned into the kid from the Good Humor commercial: "The colors Duke, the colors!". I also love Berkeley itself, and the fact that SF is so close makes me very happy (it means I can go watch my beloved Giants play on the weekends in September).</p>
<p>What I would bring? Well, I'm a pretty prolific poet (yay alliteration), and have submitted to contests and also co-chair my school's Literary Society. Also, I'm a really curious person, and I love to learn for the sake of learning. That's all I can think of for now, really.</p>
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