<p>Hey y'all :)</p>
<p>The age-old question once again :)</p>
<p>Accepted to both Cal EECS and GT EE! OOS for both, and I'm pretty much decided on Tech. Specialization within EE not confirmed yet, I'll think about it when I'm actually studying EE and I know about the specializations better. I'd prefer to work in the South (ie not California). Current post-ugrad plans aren't really decided, could be graduate school, law school or just getting a job directly.</p>
<p>Opinions please :) Decided on tech, and my parents are fully supportive, but I'd just like to hear if 1. you think I'm making a super bad decision by passing up Cal 2. why you think Tech's a better decision than Cal!</p>
<p>Thanks in advance guys :D Gotta love CC !!</p>
<p>Net price at each?</p>
<p>Berkeley’s proximity to Silicon Valley is generally an advantage, but since you do not want to work there, it is not really of any use to you.</p>
<p>The male to female ratio at Gtech is 2:1 (66% male).</p>
<p>The social and cultural scene at Berkeley defies explanation :). 66% is meaningless if the 44% is, well, ehem, cough, NOT of Berkeley caliber socially wise.</p>
<p>Seriously, GT sounds like a plan, you like the South, that’s all there is to it! Berkeley is a more ‘rounded’ school but it’s not likely you’ll want to take a double major in International Relations like my friend’s kid is doing at Berkeley…</p>
<p>I’m paying full oos price at both, unfortunately. So about 42k for Georgia tech, and I think 55k for cal ? </p>
<p>Thanks for the opinions everyone! If there’s more please do share :)</p>
<p>OHHHHH and if anyone has opinions comparing the prestige, quality of undergrad teaching and intangibles like that, it’s much appreciated! </p>
<p>EDIT: if it makes a difference tech has accepted me into the honors program as well
<p>I haven’t noticed much of a difference career wise because I looked at the career fair listings of both schools and many companies recruit at both anyway!</p>
<p>You want to work in the south…but have you lived there all your life? </p>
<p>If that’s the case, I say visit Berkley and the Bay Area. You just might fall in love. I was born and raised in the south, moved to California when I was in the military, and have been here since 2003. I would never move back to the South after experiencing California. </p>
<p>Visit first to help your decision. They are both amazing schools.</p>
<p>I was born in SoCal, Los Angeles to be exact, but right now my family is living overseas and visits to campus are just not feasible. So I’ve to make my decision without one
<p>Any ideas then?</p>