Hello does anyone know if the grade A+ is shown in Berkeley’s Official Transcript (not the CC grades but I am talking about the grades that we will receive in Berkeley).
I know Berkeley does not factor A+ as 4.3 but I am asking because some Graduate schools factor in A+ as 4.3s. They do so even if the University does not factor in A+ as 4.3s as long as it is indicated in the transcript that the grade is in fact an A+.
Thank You,
@hemingwayyyyy , Are you expecting A+'s at Berkeley? I like your can-do spirit. B-)
I do not know, but you can probably tell by looking at grade distribution in schedule builder for different classes.
I just did a quick search. The first class showed an A+ so the answer is yes.
I don’t know anyone who has gotten an A+, and at least some professors don’t use them at all. So they are very rare, if possible at all.
No, they do not. The highest they will give is an A… Even if you get above a 95 
I’ve heard of people getting A+'s at Berkeley? I’m sure they’re extremely rare and almost impossible to get, though.
Yes, you can get an A+. Just look at the grade distributions on schedulebuilder. Even engineering has them.
Thank you for all of your guys’ answers. I knew that A+ were given out but was not sure whether it is shown on the transcripts.
P.S. @lindyk8 at your answer to “are you expecting A+'s at Berkeley”
a man can dream right?