Berkeley Rhetoric

<p>I was interested in the rhetoric major, but I was wondering how realistic of a major it is. I mean what profession would this major yield? Also what does this major encompass for those of you who have experience? Thanks</p>

<p>[Career</a> Center - What Can I Do With a Major In…?](<a href=“]Career”></p>

<p>This has nothing to do with your question; but I just wanted to tell you that I love your username haha</p>

<p>I’m applying to transfer into the Rhetoric major in Fall 2009 and plan on pursuing the Public Discourse pattern with a minor in Public Policy. I’m pre-law.</p>

<p>^^ yeah Im prelaw as well, but I want to know Rhetorics back up plan. What intrigues you about rhetoric?</p>

<p>The classes that the major offers no doubt. Have you seen the course listings? The courses and their descriptions are so up my alley it’s a little freaky. :)</p>

<p>That aside though, it seems, from what I’ve read and heard, that the program is very very (very) writing- and reading-intensive. That sounds to me like great preparatory work for law school.</p>