Berkeley TAP?

<p>Anybody out there know if UCB offers a TAP program? I was cruising the web and found an advise site (Ms. Sun's Admissions Guide) which refers to CCC's in northern CA with TAP agreements for UCB. So if this is true, what is the advantage of a TAP? My CCC doesn't list a TAP for UCB on their website. Sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm new to the site. Also, anybody know if Ms. Sun's is as good as CC?</p>

<p>TAP at Cal is much different that TAP at UCLA. TAP at UCLA is open to anyone who goes to a ccc with the TAP program and meets some relatively basic requirements (like taking certain courses, having a certain GPA, being in honors classes ect). If you meet the requirements and become TAP certified your chances of admission to UCLA skyrocket. </p>

<p>Cal’s TAP is a different. Its mission is to “prepare low-income and educationally disadvantaged students to be competitive applicants for transfer to UC Berkeley”. It offers more counseling and other transfer prep to kids from poor/minority backgrounds and TAP students are accepted at a rate about three times that of the general applicant pool. If you aren’t low-income/minority, you can’t do TAP at Cal. But, it’s only served 3,000 kids since 1999, so it’s not like huge numbers of applicants have TAP at Cal. If you are low-income/minority it’s worth checking out since it’s a really great program but it’s definitely different than UCLA’s.</p>


<p>(but seriously 90% of TAP applicants get into cal)</p>

<p>just to clarify I’m in TAP at Cal</p>

<p>Who do you talk to at your CC about this? My school doesn’t have anything about it on its website, but it’s on the list of schools with the program.</p>

<p>What cc do you go to?</p>

<p>I am also in the program, btw.</p>

<p>you gotta fish around at your ccc to find the Cal TAP… im in both TAP programs for UCLA and Cal… at pcc the Cal TAP counselor was at the transfer center. its too late to join for fall 2009 applicants, however…</p>

<p>I go to SMC and I’ll be applying for fall '10.</p>

<p>yeah, the program’s kept really really quiet. It’s not mentioned on my cc’s website or on the list of programs with cal. Go talk to as many counselors as you can until you find what you need. Enrollment for TAP ends at the end of Summer (correct me if I’m wrong) so you have some time.</p>

<p>just wondering, is anyone else doing BOTH TAP programs for UCLA and Cal as well?</p>

<p>Is berkeley tap the same at Club Cal? Thing is I talked to the berkeley rep and she said I qualified for berkeley tap (im so po) the jack kent cooke thing, and I never got any paperwork or anything. She totally played it off like <em>oh u just get my services so just come and see me</em>. Im like ***? Then I got an email for club cal from my honors dept, and i joined that and got tons of advice from admissions reps here in SoCal (i think in claremont). I wonder if that will give me an edge, or if that is the same thing.</p>

<p>The advantage of Cal TAP, aside from the extra advising, is that you get to check it off as a program that you’re in on the UC application. I’m sure it helps.</p>

<p>Also, I heard that Cal TAP will write an appeal letter for you in the event that you are rejected. Not sure about that.</p>

<p>those who are in the cal tap, do you receive emails or anything after joining the program?</p>

<p>I sent in an application for TAP into Cal. Apparently, it was due March 15. I haven’t heard anything from them yet, though.</p>

<p>Damn, I got rejected from Berkeley’s TAP. I guess they sent out all the letters.</p>

<p>Do you receive an email or a letter?</p>

<p>or did you actually receive anything : |</p>

<p>I was accepted into Cal TAP. I received a letter and an e-mail by the Cal counselor that I met up with.</p>