Berkeley, ucla with a C?

Is it still possible to make it into Berkeley , or any top UC if you get a “C” on the subject you are majoring in? /:

My sister got into LA with a C- in Psych, but she ended up majoring in it. She also had amazing essays and stats, but she did mention her downfall to that grade. I believe if you do say why you had such a low grade, it can probably give you a better chance (and a true reason, such as: family problems, health issues,etc). Long story short, not really. I hope you put an alt major on your application, it could really help!

a B wouldn’t be so bad, but a C is a little worse. maybe if you did an internship in that subject or something, that could help? or if you did well with a 4 or 5 on the ap exam?

they look at the whole application - not just one grade. So, as long as your GPA and other qualifications are competitive, yes it is possible

That will show you the GPA by major at Cal - Do the math, all As and one C should put you comfortably over the 3.7ish thy are looking for.

I agree with @NCalRent , but at the same time its definitely going to raise eyebrows, especially since its the topic you want to major in…

Everything is possible, but highly unlikely.

I received a C in a prerequisite for my major and was accepted into UCLA. It was during a failed first attempt at college, so I explained that whole period in my statements.