I would absolutely love to go to Berkley! However, I know it’s a really good school and that its super selective. I want to know whether I have any chances or not. My GPA is 4.0, and my SAT score is 1870 (which sucks, I know). I did not take any APs because they simply did not exist in the school I went to. However, when I came to America 2 months ago, I caught up with the Junior class and now that it’s the end of the year I have a GPA of 4. For next year I’m taking AP Biology (and maybe AP English) and a bunch of other classes. I’ve played basketball and volleyball for 3 years. I participated in many talent shows. This Summer I’m volunteering for 300 hours. I’m in the Civil Rights team and even though I came here 2 months ago, I ran for presidency for my Senior year and I won! So I’m also Senior class president. In Egypt I worked with MANY charitable organizations and have had A LOT of community service, and I also worked as a technical agent in a company called Teleperformance. I speak Arabic and English VERY fluently and I speak fair German and French. My GPA was also 4.0. I don’t even know if I SHOULD apply, because I know that I need a better SAT score, but if thats the only thing I can fix then I don’t mind re-taking it. Will the lack of APs be a problem? Do you think after I finish my Senior year I should take some college-level courses to increase my chances? (Ive heard some take like 15 APs in highschool which really put me down since I thought I was doing a good job). I also got a letter from the senate since I’m in the High Honors Roll. I wrote a couple of college essays highlighting my experience in Egypt and all the community work I did for NGOs, and my Advanced English teacher loved it! (does an essay change the school’s mind though?)
Please tell me what to do in order to go to Berkeley, and please tell me if I have NO chance. You’d be doing me a great favor.
Also, if you have any colleges/universities you think I should go to (that would perhaps give me a scholarship), please let me know! I’d really appreciate this because I’m super new here.
Thanks a lot guys!
Your SAT is in ‘hook-needed’ territory and I don’t see any hooks. Can you afford the full price tag? Do you require merit aid?
^^ Basically, and that’s being nice. It may even be too low for a hook. It doesn’t matter how many AP’s you took, just as long as your GPA looks good. However, your SAT is too low for that school.
If you did not have access to AP classes, you will not be penalized. You need to raise your SAT score into the 2100 range for a decent chance at UCB. You might also want to try the ACT and aim for a 32+. You look like a competitive applicant minus your SAT. Just make sure you can afford the $55K/year price tag since FA is almost non-existent for International students. Good luck
^^^ "SAT is “too” low for that school - How do you know that? Berkeley is definitely harder to get into amongst all the UCs but I don’t believe your SAT is “too low” it’s just not competitive enough. If you want to remove attention from your lack of AP’s in your application, then you should definitely retake the SAT’s and try to touch 2000. My S got into Berkeley as well as Cornell with 1850, so It’s not that you don’t stand a chance, but since you do have less AP’s, try to get a very competitive SAT score so that you have a stronger application as a whole. You have a good chance at Berkeley, but do keep some safe schools in your list as you are not the most competitive applicant. Good Luck!
What state are you living in now? If you do not qualify for California residency, the prospects for good financial aid at Berkeley are very slim. What is it specifically that attracts you to Berkeley, beyond the prestigious “brand name?” You could get into some other UCs or CSUs pretty easily if you are a CA resident. Otherwise, if it’s a large, urban university you seek, we could recommend Pitt, Temple, U. of Miami, et al, where you might well qualify for some merit aid or need-based scholarships.
@dunboyne I do require merit-aid, and I plan on re-taking my SATs.
@jdschooled5 Thank you for your honesty, I’ll try to get it up then. I only took it once so I should give it another shot.
@Gumbymom Thank you, I’ll look into the ACTs, even though I think SATs are more enjoyable to me.
@Ilovenyb I’d like to know how your son got into Berkeley with that score. Did he take the ACT? Hook? Ethnicity? Are you a California resident?
@Ilovenyb Thank you! I totally agree. The SAT score must and hopefully will go up!
@FaithElamin I think you can get it up. Also, I would try for the ACT, as it is much easier (for most).
@woogzmama I live in Maine, I’m interested in Berkeley because it just seems to have everything I’d want in a University, AND its very selective. However after reading all the comments I do realize that the price my set an impediment if I do not get any aid, so since I live in Maine I will look into a university in Massachusetts which probably would be easier to get in. 
@jdschooled5 I was actually talking about my sister lol but I think the main reason she got in is because of mock trial and her personal statement. Her EC’s were not spectacular and even I was shocked when she got into Cornell, but I think she really put a lot of effort into her essays and personal statement.
@jdschooled5 I thought it was a lot harder. Haha, no idea honestly. Guess I’ll try it out, even though it doesn’t sound as fun as the SAT.
You won’t get any from Berkeley
@Ilovenyb Cornell is probably just as hard to get into as Berkeley.
@llovenyb: You have posted that your son, your cousin and now your sister got into to Cornell and UCB with an SAT of 1850. I am calling you out on this one and saying you are making things up just to make the OP feel better about their chances. Here is the UCB Freshman profile and OP can compare their score to the averages posted:
@FaithElamin, you are a competitive applicant in all areas except your SAT. This where you need to improve along with writing some great essays. You have a chance, just be realistic and have some great backup schools on your list. Good Luck.