Best and worst PASSHE school?

I think that’s the BIG downside to Cleveland State. More than 70% students commute from home freshman year, and virtually no one lives on campus after freshman year, meaning that if you don’t have family nearby, you have to rent in Cleveland, with areas that are really nice (but can get pricey) and areas that are sketchy. Plus the lack of a cohesive community. That’d be my main worry.

I think an OOS school with a fairly high percentage of commuters would effect the social scene as well. But, I guess, if you are on an athletic team, there may be a built in social support with that. In general, though, schools like West Chester sound more appealing to me.

Although not my favorite, Cleveland State has changed drastically over the last 5 years. 2,000 kids live on campus and upperclassmen live in affiliated housing(unless commuters and there are many). The housing is actually amazing. They have just added a DI lacrosse program for this year. This year’s freshman class was largest in history. All PASSHE schools are contracting with the exception of West Chester.

If you are interested in learning? - Couple interesting reads on Cleveland State…

Nice write up in Forbes on why Cleveland is America’s Hottest City…

University of Pittsburgh planning budget cuts for 2017 - 2018…you know what that means? Tuition increases.

Any word on financial package notifications from West Chester or Bloomsburg (or Millersville, in our case)? We’re not expecting much if any aid, but would like to understand how fees and other incidentals stack up. I know much of this is also available on the websites, but for some reason I like to see it on paper :slight_smile:

Hmm @bester1, interesting Pitt announcement. I wonder if this only applies to PSU/Pitt/Temple, only Pitt, or all state-funded schools (PASSHE included) OR they are just out front on the announcement.

@Portercat…Here is a link to scholarships at Bloomsburg. Easy to apply!

PSU/Pitt/Temple see the again struggle coming with the passing of the PA State budget…hence, they are being proactive in making cuts so that they can still increase tuition.

@bester1 I was looking at some of these websites, and it doesn’t seem clear on how to apply. Some of the deadlines are mid-February! Others are very specific to need based students, students from certain counties, or certain majors.

Have you applied to any? I am interested in that Board of Governor’s one (at most PASSHE schools) and possibly others.

Yes…the Bloomsburg page is the easiest. Just requires one form to fill out! I called the office to make sure my D did not have to commit before she made application.

For PASSHE, incoming freshman scholarships are very different than for enrolled students. After they are enrolled for a period of time, there are a whole different set of scholarships a student can apply to.

@bester1 Have you done the NPC for West Chester? Ours showed a grant/scholarship of about 2300, so I was wondering if you saw something similar? Also, they separated out books at 1200/year and “other educational expenses” at 2300. I suppose that “other” is fees? I hate to nit-pick these things but if books are truly separate, I like to understand what it all entails. Thanks!

@Portercat …WCU
Tuition/Fees = $9,144
Room/Board = $12,694
Books/Supplies = $1,200
Estimated other = $2,958
Total = $25,996
Grant= $1,500

Net Price = $24,496

Estimated other seems high? Also…I do not know why it says we will receive a grant for $1,500. I doubt we will get that? Nice school but not cheap for a PASSHE school.

Net Price for Bloomsburg is as follows…

Academic Year: 2014-15

Estimated tuition and fees $8,914

  • Estimated room and board charges
    (Includes rooming accommodations and meals)
  • Estimated cost of books and supplies $1,200
  • Estimated other expenses
    (Personal expenses, transportation, etc.) $4,320

Estimated total cost of attendance: $22,602

  • Estimated total grant aid:
    (Includes both merit and need based grant and scholarship aid from Federal, State, or Local Governments, or the Institution)

Estimated Net Price After Grants and Scholarships: $20,891

Slippery Rock…

Academic Year: 2014-15

Estimated tuition and fees $9,309

  • Estimated room and board charges
    (Includes rooming accommodations and meals)
  • Estimated cost of books and supplies $1,517
  • Estimated other expenses
    (Personal expenses, transportation, etc.) $1,980

Estimated total cost of attendance: $22,600

  • Estimated total grant aid:
    (Includes both merit and need based grant and scholarship aid from Federal, State, or Local Governments, or the Institution)

Estimated Net Price After Grants and Scholarships: $21,975
Grants and scholarships do not have to be repaid. Some students also qualify for student loans to assist in paying this net price; however, student loans do have to be repaid.

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@Portercat, the direct costs that the university will bill you for, are tuition, fees (mandatory fees and course fees), room and board, if living on campus.

Also included in COA (cost of attendance) often are estimates for books, personal expenses and transportation.

But those won’t be on your bill, and for books you can buy used or rent them cheaper usually than buying new.
Transportation costs depend on how far the college is from home, and you just pay those as you go. Personal expenses are things like shampoo,school supplies, etc.

Course fees if any, usually won’t be on the bill until the student registers for classes.
But general fees, like student activity fee and such are usually listed on the website.

@bester1 my DS is freshman at Bloom, I spent under $200 a semester for his books so far…lots of frugal shopping!!! We are 2 hr drive so no real transportation expenses…brings down those numbers considerably.

@bester1@nomadic @shelleyr25 yes, I guess you need to look closely at these things. Books and “other” estimates can add up to $4K+ on these calculators. I know there are other random fees, like the fitness center, etc.

Also, not sure why the grant looked high-ish on the NPC, maybe because of her GPA.