I attend a private middle-sized university that has TERRIBLE dining options (sodexo). I’m a vegan and eat generally clean and high carb. I struggled so much freshman year with eating that it gave me terrible anxiety. This fall I will be living in what used to be an apartment (now a dorm). They removed the oven and kitchen appliances. I want to sneak in a pressure cooker or anything to cook up rice, potatoes, beans, etc. Last year they didn’t even check what you brought into the dorms expect they inspected the dorms during break (which I will obviously hide the appliance in a box and tape it up). What would you recommend?
Rice cooker.
Agree, rice cooker. One with a steamer basket would allow for steaming veggies while the rice is cooking.
Hot plate to cook various dishes.
Does the dorm not even have a community kitchen somewhere in it?