<p>Hey, I took the ACT in November and got a 33 without preparing. I am in the process of preparing for the ACT next week and probably the one in April, trying to get at least a 35. I have three books that I'm studying from, PR (although it's from 2004 when I took the ACT in 7th grade), the red book, and Barron's 2007.</p>
<p>I had a few questions for preparing in general:</p>
<p>Is my 2004 Princeton Review book out of date?</p>
<p>What is the best book for someone striving for (and i think i have the capability for) a 36 (something like Barron's 36 or Kaplan's 36)?</p>
<p>Which of the books is best for strategy and which is best for practice tests? (I'm willing to get a different book if necessary)</p>
<p>and what other strategies do you all have for studying?</p>
<p>Barron’s is a good book. If you can get a 36 on a barron’s practice then you are GOLDEN for the real ACT. I got a 25 on the practice test for Barron’s and a 34 on the real ACT.</p>
<p>Use the Real ACT (or something like that). They have detailed reasons why each answer choice is wrong/right. It’s red and by the company that writes the exam. It worked for me.</p>
<p>does anyone have the prior edition of the real act prep guide. the current guide only has 3 tests. i am wondering of the older version has different practice tests.</p>
<p>is there any way to get copies of other real act tests to practice?</p>
<p>lol… Barron’s is hard. IIf you have taken a Barron’s test, you will see that many of those questions are not even close in difficulty to the REAL ACT practice tests. But Barron’s is good for prep, because it pretty much outlines all that you need to know! PR is easy and just helps boost your confidence. But Barron’s makes you feel worried and then when you go and take the real thing, you will most likely feel relaxed and confident.</p>
<p>You wanna know how to get a 36? Buy the right book, a measure of choice flour, and a yearling lamb without blemish and burn them upon an altar as an offering to the Gods of Education, because after a certain point of intelligence and mastery (which it looks like you have), luck is the only thing that’s gonna get you a perfect score</p>
<p>Are there any opensource materials or ebooks etc. to prepare? I registered for the test but now it seems there are no books available for ACT in India haha. Especially since I’m not in a metropolitan or anything…Its pretty harsh at the moment.
Damnit! I need a 36!</p>