<p>What is the best book you've EVER read? </p>
<p>I'll start by saying mine- A Ride Into Morning<br>
Seeing thats on like a 3rd grade level, I'll say my new favorite- Catch-22.</p>
<p>What is the best book you've EVER read? </p>
<p>I'll start by saying mine- A Ride Into Morning<br>
Seeing thats on like a 3rd grade level, I'll say my new favorite- Catch-22.</p>
<p>The most intriguing book I’ve ever read was The Fabric of the Cosmos - Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene (yeah… lol)</p>
<p>It’s a tie between Catch 22 and 1984 for best liked, though.</p>
<p>Good call on Catch 22. I, personally, liked Fahrenheit 451 because it really got me thinking</p>
<p>Seems like Catch-22 is popular amongst the CC crowd; I fourth it.</p>
<p>Never read it, I don’t go much for war books. I really like The Virgin Suicides, which I’m reading now.</p>
<p>The Great Gatsby is epic.</p>
<p>While I think that Brian Greene’s books are really thought-provoking, my favorite book has to be Candide by Voltaire.</p>
<p>Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte</p>
<p>I’m going with the Great Gatsby as my all-time favorite. I think 1984 is almost as good tho.</p>
<p>Ah, if it were a more specific genre it’d be so much more simple. </p>
<p>The best short story I’ve ever read (favorite piece of writing anywhere ever) is Blame it on My Youth by Andrew Sean Greer.</p>
<p>The best book (again, this may be too short to count) is probably The Death of Ivan Illyich by Leo Tolstoy. Everything by Tolstoy is frigging amazing and untouchable but for me, his later works concentrate on depth whereas his earlier works focus on breadth, and I prefer the former.
(The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami is a close second, largely for Lieutenant Mamiya’s story, which everyone should check out).</p>
<p>And I don’t like Catch-22.</p>
<p>I may be biased because I just finished the first two in the last year, but my top four is probably Slaughterhouse V, Waiting for Godot, Life of Pi, and the Education of Little Tree (I might have to re-read that one, its been a while) in no particular order. I haven’t read catch 22, I should I suppose.</p>
<p>Catch 22 is hilarious. Its the only book i’ve ever truly “loled” at. Like, people were staring at me </p>
<p>but Great Gatsby is amazinggg.
Is The Virgin Suicides anything like the movie, writergrl? I’ve seen the movie and always wanted to read the book-which i’m sure is better!?</p>
<p>The Stranger, albert camus</p>
<p>I liked 1984 by Orwell and am currently reading Freakonomics by Steven Levitt. I also really like the John Grisham books.</p>
<p>I should really borrow The Stranger. Seems like a great book.</p>
<p>And Then There Were None… its also called 10 Little Indians</p>
<p>My favorite has to be The Fountainhead. A simply amazing book that has inspired me greatly. After that it is a tie between Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy and Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.</p>
<p>on a less serious note</p>
<p>are you there vodka, it’s me chelsea - chelsea handler</p>
<p>ahh yes, i second are you there vodka, it’s me chelsea.</p>
<p>atlas shrugged - Rand</p>
<p>catch 22 was great…but not the best…some chapters dragged on a tad too long.</p>
<p>anyone here read Life of Pi?</p>
<p>Catch-22 for a satire.
The Great Gatsby for drama-y things that turned out to be funny.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s - (Read the book, not the movie!)</p>